Audio Version Of The Blog – 03.08.18

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International Women’s Day 2018 – BlogActiv

BlogActiv: “International Women’s Day 2018: Gender Equality from the Perspective of the Wisdom of Kabbalah

In light of International Women’s Day, I was asked to give my take on gender equality from the perspective of the wisdom of Kabbalah.

To begin with, the idea of comparing men and women is just as wrong as comparing apples and oranges. Nature designed men and women as different creatures, both biologically and psychologically. Just as our bodies work in very different ways, we also think, feel and perceive the world differently.

Therefore, the attempt to make men and women one and the same is completely unnatural. By trying to judge men and women by the same standards, and equalize them as much as possible, it’s as if we are trying to “fix” nature. And nature doesn’t need any fixing.

Rather than trying to level the differences between men and women, we need to learn how to embrace them. We should aim for harmony – not equality. That is, we have to upgrade our view on gender equality to a more holistic approach, to see how it is precisely our differences that make us capable of complementing each other to create harmony.

The whole of nature works that way – unique and opposite qualities are woven together to create life – plus and minus, contraction and expansion, heat and cold, ebb and flow, male and female. In fact, I believe this is something that women understand a lot better than men, since they are generally more sensitive to nature than men.

On the practical level, I’m not saying that men and women can’t serve in the same roles in society. Examples such as Margaret Thatcher and Angela Merkel prove that a capable woman can find herself in a position that was typically occupied by a man. However, placing a woman in a certain position just because it makes things look more “equal” is foolish and won’t do any good to society.

For instance, when a steering committee is asked to have an equal amount of men and women for the sake of “equality,” it is a childish perception of equality that aims for political correctness rather than optimal results. A steering committee could have a majority of men or a majority of women, depending on what the committee needs to achieve, and what each person brings to the table – not how we can make a poster of equality.

Western society needs more education about how various systems of nature achieve harmony when differences come together. Then, we will see that what we should strive for in society is mutual complementation, which means highlighting the unique qualities of men and women, and weaving them together to achieve the best of both worlds.

I invite you to take our free Kabbalah course and learn for yourself how to uncover your unique qualities for the benefit of all.

My Facebook Page: “Israel Brain Drain”

Dr. Michael LaitmanFrom My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 3/8/18

Israel isn’t losing its best and brightest because of greener pastures or higher standards of living abroad. It is losing because it is turning its back on its true identity. To solve the brain drain, the Israeli heart must be replenished first.

Read my full article in Breaking Israel News

The Times Of Israel: “International Women’s Day 2018: Gender Equality From The Perspective Of The Wisdom Of Kabbalah”

The Times of Israel published my new article “International Women’s Day 2018: Gender Equality From the Perspective of the Wisdom of Kabbalah

In light of International Women’s Day, I was asked to give my take on gender equality from the perspective of the wisdom of Kabbalah.

To begin with, the idea of comparing men and women is just as wrong as comparing apples and oranges. Nature designed men and women as different creatures, both biologically and psychologically. Just as our bodies work in very different ways, we also think, feel and perceive the world differently.

Therefore, the attempt to make men and women one and the same is completely unnatural. By trying to judge men and women by the same standards, and equalize them as much as possible, it’s as if we are trying to “fix” nature. And nature doesn’t need any fixing.

Rather than trying to level the differences between men and women, we need to learn how to embrace them. We should aim for harmony – not equality. That is, we have to upgrade our view on gender equality to a more holistic approach, to see how it is precisely our differences that make us capable of complementing each other to create harmony.

The whole of nature works that way – unique and opposite qualities are woven together to create life – plus and minus, contraction and expansion, heat and cold, ebb and flow, male and female. In fact, I believe this is something that women understand a lot better than men, since they are generally more sensitive to nature than men.

On the practical level, I’m not saying that men and women can’t serve in the same roles in society. Examples such as Margaret Thatcher and Angela Merkel prove that a capable woman can find herself in a position that was typically occupied by a man. However, placing a woman in a certain position just because it makes things look more “equal” is foolish and won’t do any good to society.

For instance, when a steering committee is asked to have an equal amount of men and women for the sake of “equality,” it is a childish perception of equality that aims for political correctness rather than optimal results. A steering committee could have a majority of men or a majority of women, depending on what the committee needs to achieve, and what each person brings to the table – not how we can make a poster of equality.

Western society needs more education about how various systems of nature achieve harmony when differences come together. Then, we will see that what we should strive for in society is mutual complementation, which means highlighting the unique qualities of men and women, and weaving them together to achieve the best of both worlds.

I invite you to take our free Kabbalah course and learn for yourself how to uncover your unique qualities for the benefit of all.

International Women’s Day 2018 – Linkedin

Linkedin: “International Women’s Day 2018: Gender Equality from the Perspective of the Wisdom of Kabbalah

In light of International Women’s Day, I was asked to give my take on gender equality from the perspective of the wisdom of Kabbalah.

To begin with, the idea of comparing men and women is just as wrong as comparing apples and oranges. Nature designed men and women as different creatures, both biologically and psychologically. Just as our bodies work in very different ways, we also think, feel and perceive the world differently.

Therefore, the attempt to make men and women one and the same is completely unnatural. By trying to judge men and women by the same standards, and equalize them as much as possible, it’s as if we are trying to “fix” nature. And nature doesn’t need any fixing.

Rather than trying to level the differences between men and women, we need to learn how to embrace them. We should aim for harmony – not equality. That is, we have to upgrade our view on gender equality to a more holistic approach, to see how it is precisely our differences that make us capable of complementing each other to create harmony.

The whole of nature works that way – unique and opposite qualities are woven together to create life – plus and minus, contraction and expansion, heat and cold, ebb and flow, male and female. In fact, I believe this is something that women understand a lot better than men, since they are generally more sensitive to nature than men.

On the practical level, I’m not saying that men and women can’t serve in the same roles in society. Examples such as Margaret Thatcher and Angela Merkel prove that a capable woman can find herself in a position that was typically occupied by a man. However, placing a woman in a certain position just because it makes things look more “equal” is foolish and won’t do any good to society.

For instance, when a steering committee is asked to have an equal amount of men and women for the sake of “equality,” it is a childish perception of equality that aims for political correctness rather than optimal results. A steering committee could have a majority of men or a majority of women, depending on what the committee needs to achieve, and what each person brings to the table – not how we can make a poster of equality.

Western society needs more education about how various systems of nature achieve harmony when differences come together. Then, we will see that what we should strive for in society is mutual complementation, which means highlighting the unique qualities of men and women, and weaving them together to achieve the best of both worlds.

I invite you to take our free Kabbalah course and learn for yourself how to uncover your unique qualities for the benefit of all.

My Thoughts On Twitter, 3/8/18

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

Individual desire to attain the Creator isn’t a soul. It’s just a small part of the common soul that can’t feel the spiritual but only the desire to feel the Creator. After -realization that attaining the Creator is attaining unity in unifying the parts of the soul.

If one aims himself only at one principle that all that occurs in his world comes from a single upper force and that “There is none else but Him”, then any pain is a signal that one needs to direct himself at the Creator, unity, & #goodness more accurately.

To enter the upper world is to begin feeling not in the natural desire to receive- ego, but in a new property- desire to give. Transition from receiving information, thoughts & feelings for self to #altruistic desire occurs under the impact of the upper light #UnifiedUpperForce

– Why does the Creator create situations that disgrace me in the study of Kabbalah? He creates & then exposes them.
– To show you where your ego is still present. Shame is an indicator of the ego. Opt for shame of unwillingness to correct what He points out to you.

What Can Israel Do About Its ‘Brain Drain’ Problem
I understand what lies at the heart of #scientists, #academics and other great minds who are making the decision to leave #Israel.
 #israel #BrainDrain #StartUpNation #technology

– How can I cancel my ego if I have nothing but the ego in me?
– This is why we are organized in a group, in a connection with the friends – so that my ego serves them & their egos help me. Mutual inclusion into each other creates an anti-egoistic field! #EGO

– How can an animal body interfere with the #spiritual work?
– An animal body can interfere if it is out of control. But if a person rules it, uses selfish desires for correction so that spiritual motives drive him, he evolves!

– What did Kabbalah advise the Jews to do during the Holocaust?
– All Kabbalists of the 20-30s of the XX century urged the Jews to leave Europe. But no one listened to us, just like today! No one wants to realize that our disunity creates #Antisemitism

If I relate to everything as I relate to myself -there is no difference between me & what is outside of me, I feel the world as a whole, sense the light that fills it, unified force of the Creator; I reveal the truth for the sake of which I exist in this world.

We study not the light itself but us against the background of this light; we sense being opposite to the light and obtain the desire to ask for similarity. Shining, the light reveals in us an egoistic desire & that it is an evil inclination which carries evil.

Desire to receive and desire to bestow – only they, their combinations, form the spiritual world & everything that fills it. We must acquire the qualities of bestowal in order to see the #spiritual world and its forces. And our #world exists only in our imagination.

Connecting students of Kabbalah into a group by YOUR effort creates the vessel of YOUR soul. If someone else -it’s HIS soul. Each of us is a cell in a body that tries to attach to itself the whole organism. This way YOU gain the whole “body” desire, your soul.

All types of matter of our world are lifeless, for they acquire their forms by force that rules them. If in the matter of our world emerges a desire to change itself, this matter becomes spiritual. Spiritual matter, unlike the non-spiritual, is able to change itself.

If we saw the forces designing our world, we would find that it is not the #CO2 emission affecting the ecology and atmosphere, as it seems; but that the “atmosphere” is determined by upper forces whose main constituent is our desires and thoughts, mind & heart #Crisis

I heard: “I know your opinion-that the Jews are to blame!” This is not my opinion, but the law of nature. We can show the world an example of unity. This will correct the attitude of the world to us! Kabbalah is the method of uniting people. It corrects #Antisemitism!

The meaning of crisis in Kabbalah isn’t the beginning of problems, but the birth of the new. Including a critical dangerous state; “babies reached the time of delivery” (crisis) and there’s no strength to give birth (Ishayahu37.2) Also a childbirth seat -Talmud Arahin

Disliking others equals disliking the Creator (Avot 84). In the 2nd Temple there were righteous & sages, but it fell precisely due to their #hatred of one another and failure to observe “Love thy neighbor” in practice, which includes all of the Torah (Sharey Kedusha, p2 Shaar 4)

Some say that action matters most re Commandments.
Yet, it is written: “The Creator cares not how to butcher cattle, the Commandments were given for man’s correction.” After all, if actions aren’t aimed at the goal, they are empty, and a #Commandment is dead without an intention.

-Why is our #life arranged so that one’s pleasure is always at the expense of another’s suffering?
-You can’t escape it–our interconnection is more powerful than us, and yet we’re all #egoists. If we want to enjoy together, we must learn to feel like a single whole.

“The common religion of the whole world must be the attitude of #Love_your_friend_as_yourself.
Beyond that, every people or group can choose any #faith for themselves.”
Baal HaSulam, The Last Generation #QuoteOfTheWeek #freedom

We see reality as external due to our internal lack of correction. In truth, reality must be internal, because the world we see is my projection. By studying the inner #Torah, we find that everything exists in us, and the correction will be in us!

Being a shining example of unity is our vocation as a people and that is why, deep down, all nations are expecting something to come from us. When we fail to provide that example, the nations are driven to apply pressure on us in various ways  #israel

From Twitter, 3/8/18

Related Material:
My Thoughts On Twitter, 3/7/18
My Thoughts On Twitter, 3/6/18
My Thoughts On Twitter, 3/4/18

My Facebook Page: “International Women’s Day 2018”

Dr. Michael LaitmanFrom My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 3/8/18

In light of International Women’s Day, I was asked to give my take on gender equality from the perspective of the wisdom of Kabbalah.

To begin with, the idea of comparing men and women is just as wrong as comparing apples and oranges. Nature designed men and women as different creatures, both biologically and psychologically. Just as our bodies work in very different ways, we also think, feel and perceive the world differently.

Therefore, the attempt to make men and women one and the same is completely unnatural. By trying to judge men and women by the same standards, and equalize them as much as possible, it’s as if we are trying to “fix” nature. And nature doesn’t need any fixing.

Rather than trying to level the differences between men and women, we need to learn how to embrace them. We should aim for harmony – not equality. That is, we have to upgrade our view on gender equality to a more holistic approach, to see how it is precisely our differences that make us capable of complementing each other to create harmony.

The whole of nature works that way – unique and opposite qualities are woven together to create life – plus and minus, contraction and expansion, heat and cold, ebb and flow, male and female. In fact, I believe this is something that women understand a lot better than men, since they are generally more sensitive to nature than men.

On the practical level, I’m not saying that men and women can’t serve in the same roles in society. Examples such as Margaret Thatcher and Angela Merkel prove that a capable woman can find herself in a position that was typically occupied by a man. However, placing a woman in a certain position just because it makes things look more “equal” is foolish and won’t do any good to society.

For instance, when a steering committee is asked to have an equal amount of men and women for the sake of “equality,” it is a childish perception of equality that aims for political correctness rather than optimal results. A steering committee could have a majority of men or a majority of women, depending on what the committee needs to achieve, and what each person brings to the table – not how we can make a poster of equality.

Western society needs more education about how various systems of nature achieve harmony when differences come together. Then, we will see that what we should strive for in society is mutual complementation, which means highlighting the unique qualities of men and women, and weaving them together to achieve the best of both worlds.

I invite you to take our free Kabbalah course and learn for yourself how to uncover your unique qualities for the benefit of all.

The Period Of Concealment In The History Of Kabbalah

Laitman_138Question: If Kabbalah is the method to discover the Creator, why was it concealed for two thousand years, preventing people from using it?

Answer: It was a latent period in the history of Kabbalah, like the Middle Ages.

To us, it seems like nothing happened during the Middle Ages. Development in Europe appeared to freeze, but this was not so. Experts will tell you it was a period of rapid development, but it was internal, hidden. It prepared Europe for all the subsequent progress. Without this preparation, there would have been no cultural or industrial revolution. no Renaissance, nothing.

Question: If our development were not technological, what would it be?

Answer: Our development had to be technological because it was the result of our egoistic development.

Today, this period is coming to an end. The next stage will be spiritual development. We are gradually entering it now. Our recognition of the evil of our current development will lead us to it.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/23/17

Related Material:
The Development Of Kabbalah Along The Axis Of Time
The Revelation Of Kabbalah From Generation To Generation
Kabbalah: From Abraham To Present Day

Is It Worthwhile For An Older Person To Study Kabbalah?

laitman_622.01Question: If you know that you will not be able to apply Kabbalah practically due to your age, should you continue to study and work in connection with a group?

Answer: There is no question about age here.

How can you know how much time is left until the end of your soul’s correction? If you received this opportunity at a mature age, at a certain time, in a certain situation, it means that you specifically need it to be this way and not otherwise. Do not curse and negate anything.

Don’t complain. Instead, learn specifically in the situation given to you and you will see that it is optimal for your soul.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/24/17

Related Material:
All Of You Have Time
The Wisdom Of Kabbalah Is Appropriate For Any Age
At What Age Can One Begin To Study The Wisdom Of Kabbalah?

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 3/8/18

Preparation for the Lesson

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Writings of Rabash, Vol.2, Article 15

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Talmud Eser Sefirot, Part 1, “Histaklut Pnimit,” Chapter 1, Item 1  

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Writings of Rabash, “What Placing the Hanukkah on the Left Means, in the Work”   

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