New Life 655 – The Greek Approach And The Maccabee Approach

New Life 655 – The Greek Approach And The Maccabee Approach
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz

Since ancient times people have asked themselves why they are living. The first to discover the goal of life was Adam HaRishon (the First Man). He discovered that the goal of life is to upgrade the manner in which we perceive reality.

We are living in a wide reality and perceive only a narrow aspect of it because we filter everything through: “What is good for me.”

Adam HaRishon discovered that it is possible to change this perception to “What is good for others” “And you shall love your friend as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18). And that is how we absorb an unlimited reality that is actually a single, higher force, and we are within it.

Twenty generations after that, Abraham came. In ancient Babylon there was a crisis of egoism, and he taught how to transcend it. Those who succeeded in going out of themselves to the altruistic reception of reality became the people of Israel. This group continued to develop, the ego constantly grew, and they transcended it more and more. Pharaoh, Egypt, Torah, the Land of Israel—the ego grew again, the Maccabees against the Greeks. This is constantly talking about a war of perception.

The ego continued to grow; the people are living today in an egoistic perception of reality, except for a few individual Kabbalists. Today, it is apparent that it is impossible to continue; the ego is destroying the world, everyone hates each other. We have no choice but to return to the approach of Kabbalah, the perception of reality through “And you shall love your friend as yourself.”
From KabTV’s “New Life 655 – The Greek Approach and the Maccabee Approach,” 12/9/15

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One Comment

  1. Rabbi Laitman has said on many occations that the world hates the Jews because they do not reveal the point in the heart and the nations want to learn this from them. Since the Jews do not attempt to approach spirituality, the nations of the world feel cheated.
    However, Rabbi Laitman has said that the definition of a “Jew” is one who wishes to achieve spirituality. It seems contradictory. Please explain.

    Thank you.

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