Regarding Terror, Rising Prices And The Unification Of Society, Part 3

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: You suggest contending with the rise in prices with the help of connection and unity of the society so that it will become more equal and balanced? How can the thoughts of people lower the prices in practice?

Answer: In a society, if the general opinion prevails that it requires more equality and balance, this will influence even the capitalists, that this is apparently beneficial and profitable for them. This is because they are also found under the influence of society, and these thoughts are also conveyed to them.

It is not even obligatory to talk about this; they will feel the general desire. This is called the influence of the environment on a person. The main thing is that in the face of this example of lowering prices, each one will understand the principle that is to be used to solve various problems. If we attain unity in society, then we can not only lower the cost of living, but also strengthen security, health, education, and reduce unemployment.

We have a mechanism in our hands which acts in every realm of life. Social consensus is a unique power that makes it possible to solve all problems in society. It even removes the external threats that don’t seem to be directly connected to our inner unity, such as from the intifada and anti-Semitism.

The idea is that here the same principle is at work. All of humanity is nourished by the people of Israel. And the other people feel this and blame Israel for their problems. If the people of Israel unites within itself, then it will be good for all of humanity.

And this must be a good social consensus, and not as it is with the nationalists and the fascists. The agreement is based upon love, concessions, equality, closeness, and warmth.  “And you shall love your friend as yourself” is the basis for the people of Israel. The time has come to remember that “All of Israel are friends.” This is part of the culture of our people that is always concerned about mutual help, although it seems that now we have forgotten this.

Once this system of mutual help was based upon religious tradition, but for some time it hasn’t existed in this previous form. We only need to revive it, return to that form in which the people of Israel always existed.

Question: Do you think that society is ready to have such a strong influence on a person?

Answer: There are many studies that prove that a person is fully found under the influence of the environment. Even apes on an isolated island suddenly begin to behave identically as apes on a neighboring island. We are found in a system of natural laws.

Journalists complain that without coordination between them, they give identical titles to articles that come out on the same morning in different newspapers. Thoughts roam the world and are passed from one to another, for all of us are connected to a single system.

The world has become global and interconnected, like a small village. And this is not thanks to the Internet, but because we have developed to such a state that our desires, thoughts, and inner feelings are connected with all people in the world.

This also helps in the development of external connections: McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, the Internet, and the English language are in every corner of the world. This unification fulfills all the hard work for our unification. As a result of this, we are beginning to understand and feel each other to a greater degree, and to have more influence over each other.

And here the crisis erupts; the ego doesn’t let us maintain good connections, rather only bad connections. If in general there were no connection, this wouldn’t be so bad since there wouldn’t be any dependence on each other, neither good nor bad. But today, a connection is created between us and this connection is bad, causing a general crisis throughout the world.

And the Jews, the people of Israel, are responsible for the emergence from the crisis. Only they can change the general manner of connection. These connections are already impossible to rend, and it is possible only to correct them into good connections.

We must gradually get used to unity and connection being the mechanism, the means, for any changes. And the changes can take either a good direction or a bad direction, for unity can also be Nazism. “Fascism” is translated as unification, but such unification is not for the good of society. If we don’t want the world to unite on the basis of fascism, we must present it with an example of a good connection.
From a Talk, 4/13/14

Related Material:
Regarding Terror, Rising Prices And The Unification Of Society, Part 2
Regarding Terror, Rising Prices And The Unification Of Society, Part 1
The Unity Gene That Has Awakened

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