Depressed Humanity

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (from The Richest):Depression is an illness that plagues millions of people, all over the world. Sure, we all can feel sad or down sometimes, but when someone is dealing with depression, it is a never-ending and sometimes all-consuming battle. …

“While depression doesn’t discriminate against people, there seem to be some demographics that tend to be more depressed than others. Whether it is economics, the culture, or background, the fact that there are countries that have a higher rate of depression than others is worth looking examining. …

“According to the United Census Bureau and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, about 5.4% of the world’s population deals with depression.

10. Italy – 3.8%. It’s interesting to look into the societal views of depression in Italy. Based on a national survey, 75% of respondents believed that those suffering from the mental illness should avoid talking about it. Italians are no strangers to the illness, with almost 4% acknowledging that they may suffer from the condition. When it comes to the cause of depression, it varies anywhere from dynamics in the personal lives of the participants (i.e., death, divorce, school, money), while the recently struggling political and economic environment in Italy could well be a contributing factor.

9. Mexico – 4.8% Studies have shown that depression in Mexico affects more women than it does men, and increases with age. But there were lower rates of depression among those in the population who were more educated. When it comes to depression in Mexico, it’s worth taking a look at the Mexican culture. With more success, depression rates are reduced. Success could mean anything from marriage, to having kids, to getting a good education: Depression was much higher among women who were single, divorced, or widowed.

8. Spain – 4.9% In terms of the percentages, adolescents are greatly affected by depression in the country.

7. Belgium – 6.2% Depression has become a recent epidemic in Belgium. The country made headlines recently when it became the first country to legalise euthanization in certain extreme cases of terminally ill children. … The idea is that the high numbers of depression sufferers might mean more Belgian citizens contemplating suicide, and with euthanasia becoming more readily available, those who may have considered ending their life may be able to do so through more convenient, legal means.

6. Lebanon – 6.6% Life in Lebanon is undeniably stressful which leaves many worried about the future of their homes, jobs, and families. Trends show that the citizens of Lebanon prefer medication over therapy, likely due to the rising cost of the latter. But the cultural perception of therapy has also been cited as a possible reason behind depressed Lebanese citizens avoiding therapy – a 2011 report on the issue in the Daily Star Lebanon stated that Lebanese ‘don’t believe in talk-therapy’.

5. Colombia – 6.8% The country has been through its share of political hardship, war, and economic downturn – it’s speculated that if there were more resources for treatment, the depression rate could be reduced.

4. Netherlands – 6.9% Compared to the rest of Europe, the Dutch have notably higher depression rates than most – which seems to, in some ways, contradict recent studies suggesting that the Netherlands is the best place to raise children. But residents of the Netherlands are asking the world to think about context and perception – they say the Dutch culture is just generally a bit more morose than that of their neighbours.

3. France – 8.5% The French may be the most likely candidates to suffer from clinical depression, given the stereotypes of the French of often wearing black, drinking coffee or wine, all while smoking a cigarette and approaching life in a cynical manner. … In 2008, it emerged that the citizens of France consume more antidepressants than any other country in the world.

2. Ukraine – 9.1% It is common knowledge now that tensions are high in the Ukraine. … However researchers, psychiatrists, and psychologists have explained the depression rate by crediting it to the transition to a post-communist state and the ongoing recovery from the stress of the 1986 Chernobyl incident. Of course, the current political upheaval occurring in the Ukraine right now probably hasn’t helped matters.

1. United States – 9.6% No doubt that the North American country has its troubles in terms of politics and the economy. People are losing their jobs, and the economy is slowly recovering from a recession. In a country where prices are rising and wages are falling, it might be said that Americans can be justified in their feelings of depression.”

My Comment: Of course, this all is according to the polls, but people prefer not to talk about their feelings. But the main thing is not the indicators but the trend. Ahead of us, there is either the darkness of the Middle Ages or re-education towards love and bestowal.

Related Material:
Depression: The Disease Of The Century
Depression Facts And Stats
Depression Is Sweeping The World

One Comment

  1. Those are some interesting numbers. It seems that Italy might really be higher than the survey shows since 75% of the people thought that depression shouldn’t be talked about. I am sure there are many more people with depression than they are letting on because of that one fact alone.

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