Playing In Concert

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is the function of the roundtable organizers? What things should they manage, what should they leave to self-management?

Answer: The facilitator of a roundtable needs to be a nanny, a teacher, a leader. Any changes in the course of the discussion come only from his instruction and questions.

The participants themselves don’t invent anything, they are constantly led and guided. Gradually they gather an experience of connection and from it they advance onward. But without a facilitator, this will not last, they will confuse themselves. Therefore they need to follow his instructions strictly.

The facilitator and the participants in the roundtables set up along this common instrument, this Kli, together so that all will be playing in concert, and with this, a uniform harmony will result. And everyone will be stimulated by it, will be fulfilled from creating a group among them, connection, into which each of them disappears and begins to be nourished from that commonality that is created between them.

All this happens under the management of the facilitator. From the start he arranges a precise list of questions that they will discuss, but along the way he can adjust them because he has to feel what needs to be changed according to how and what they are discussing.

For example, during discussions like these, I generally sit at a distance and don’t disturb the participants in the roundtables, but they know that I am listening to them. I ask them a question and according to their answers give them correction and direction: The next question and another question. It doesn’t have to be that I go according to questions that were prepared from the start. If I hear that something is not right or distorted in some way, then I ask the next question in such a way that they will correct their previous answer.

So there is constant adjustment until we reach a state where the participants in the discussion feel that they have reached a common conclusion and in principle have risen above themselves, have connected into one single opinion, a single desire. A common “child” appears as a result of the discussions and gives them a feeling of fulfillment, both emotional and intellectual.
From Kab TV’s “Through Time” 9/15/13

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