All Attempts Are Useful

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: We build the intention and try to unite during the lesson. Do we actually raise  MAN, a request for correction?

Answer: This depends on our desire, the need (Hissaron). A person can only raise MAN for a desire received from the group, from the aspirations of the friends who he wants to unite with.

He feels that a wall separates him from them. It needs to be overcome, no matter what, but he sees that he is unable to do it. But he must do it.

Then his cry intensifies until it reaches the “Gate of Tears.” A powerful impulse towards unity, together with a clear understanding of his inability and helplessness, generate a desire, which is called MAN.

A person turns to the Creator only when all the other possibilities are exhausted and there is no one else to ask.

One cannot reach a request like this from the first attempt. One needs to keep trying over and over again. A rough but true example of this is copulation. The Zohar compares the in – out movement with spiritual attacks, when man looks for the path towards the spiritual Zivug.

Baal HaSulam writes about this in “Letter 19”: “The unity of the Creator and His Shechina, which man evokes by filling his cup with yearning and sadness, is truly similar to the corporeal coupling (the lower Zivug), which leads to the birth of a physical body, which also necessarily comes from a preliminary cause, which is pressure, in other words a known degree of yearning and sadness called hardness in corporeal language, when even his seed will be beneficial, since it shoots like an arrow…”

One needs to keep trying, go through his desires, look for whatever is missing, become inspired with the desires of the friends. All of this leads to the necessary pressure (Kishuy) – man feels a burden and firmness (Koshi), concealed in this. In spirituality these things are not as simple as in the material world.

In the end man acquires a point of cohesiveness and unity. A multitude of attempts lead him to this and no attempt is in vain. So the work is in a variety of forms and all of it is preserved for the future.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/5/10, The Zohar

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