I Wish For You…

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: In order to reach the “point in the heart” of a friend, it is necessary to open the heart and in order to open it, I need to feel the person. Why does fear appear regarding opening the heart? What creates this? After all, in the past as children we knew how to trust each other and now we don’t.

Answer: We do not have to open our hearts to others not even to a friend. You simply need to be within him and this is all.

Question: And if his heart is closed?

Answer: This is not important. He cannot shut out anything from you. It makes no difference how he reacts, how he behaves, you must be within his heart, within his desires, within his longings. You must help him, wish him well, and identify with him. You want him always to be happy that things will be good for him. This is how a relationship should be in regard to the other. This is a purely spiritual movement.
From the Convention In Krasnoyarsk 6/16/13, Lesson 5

Related Material:
Understanding The Friend
The Crimson Spark Of Love
The Last Drop Of Effort

The New World Depends Upon You!

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: People used to think that the leaders, the heads of the people, change the social order and economy.

Answer: In general the leaders do this and today the Creator is doing this.

Furthermore, there will be no leaders in our world; their time has passed. A leader is someone who manages the world by force and only a little by common sense. This no longer works! A modern leader needs to understand the new structure of the world that is approaching and there are no leaders like this!

Therefore, the elite are searching. They need you. You will see how you will be able to come to the leaders and explain to them what needs to be done, and they will listen to you. They will implement what you advise them to do through their forceful methods and actively will realize all the integral exercises.

They will begin to manage integral education within the population and in schools and will organize roundtables, give a green light to programs on these subjects through television, in all the communications media, and so forth. They will be forced to do this because the entire economy will begin to collapse. In every corner there will be bloody incidents of violence. People will not settle for this while the leaders have nothing to give them.

Also, only you will be allowed to come and say something intelligible and no one else; everyone will see that the old principles, agreed upon and known to all, no longer work. Therefore, the new world depends upon you.
From the Convention In Krasnoyarsk 6/14/13, Lesson 4

Related Material:
Leaders Of The New Century
Reaching Out To Leaders
The Teachers Of The World

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 06.25.13

Preparation to the Lesson

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Shamati #54The Purpose of the Work

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The Book of Zohar Introduction, “Donkey Driver,” Item 92, Lesson 35

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Talmud Eser Sefirot, Vol. 2, Part 7, “Ohr Pnimi,” Item 1, Lesson 1

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Writings of Baal HaSulam Peace in the World,” Lesson 6 

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