You Won’t Bend Us

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How can a person who cannot physically come to the convention in Lithuania participate in unification?

Answer: First of all, the location is irrelevant. If a person cannot come for reasons that do not depend on him, it is a sign that these conditions were given to him from Above. The fact that he sits in front of the screen doesn’t matter. If at the same time he does everything that depends on him, he connects with the friends 100 percent.

Besides, we should understand that the Light comes to us through vestments, and we should change the difficulties it sends us to determination on our part. I’m required to be stubborn, to make effort, to yearn: I overcome the difficulties sent to me from Above by my determination. I constantly yearn for connection. This is all our work.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/14/2012 

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