If You Ask, Your Wish Shall Come True

farmIt is written, “There is not a blade of grass below that has not an angel above it that strikes it and tells it, ‘Grow,’” which means that everything comes from Above. And this general governance from Above is the shared path of the whole world’s development.

However, when we try to attain the goal of creation, we subject ourselves to the individual governance, which operates by a different rule: our desire, our prayer (MAN) from below precedes everything else. It is only afterwards that the Light (correction) descends from Above. That is why any new spiritual state that emerges within us is a result of our desire for it. However, we have no control over the actions that take place; we merely ask, demand and desire for something to happen, and then the Light from Above, from our next degree, performs this change within us and we ascend onto the next degree.

The entire skill of the spiritual work is to understand this, and then to begin to feel and act in this manner. All that is required of us is to investigate, scrutinize and ask for something, and as soon as our request is made correctly, it draws an instant response from the Light.

Therefore, all the changes begin with man, but are carried out by the Creator. The Light remains in the state of absolute rest, waiting for us to demand these changes.

By Changing Yourself, You Change The World

changingA question I received: What does it mean that “an inner change creates a new state”?

My Answer: The science of Kabbalah explains that everything occurs inside us, inside the desire to receive pleasure that was created by the Creator. There is nothing outside of this desire. Everything occurs inside the same matter of creation relative to the same Malchut of Infinity, including the actions of restriction, the creation of the screen, the descent, and the distancing from Infinity down to our world.

The descent of creation from the World of Infinity can be likened to a person who is slowly losing consciousness, and who gradually loses the understanding of where he is. It seems to him that the world and the situation outside is changing, while actually, the only that changes is him.

Therefore, it’s because of the inner changes that happened in us that instead of the World of Infinity, our inner state appears to us as the Worlds of Atzilut, Beria, Yetzira, Assiya, or this world. This is how we “descended.” Now we have to “rise” along the same degrees of perception from below upward. All the changes of perception occur only inside a person.

Each of our inner states is called a world. Our present state is called “this world.” If we change it, it will be called “the World of Assiya,” then “the world of Yetzira,” then “the world of Beria,” and so on.

How do we change our state? We do it by changing the relationships between us. We are given an opportunity to return to Infinity, due to the fact that each of us feels that he exists separately, distant from the others. We are separated by the “thickness” of our desire, hatred, egoism, the feeling of rejection from others, pride, and lust for power.

However, if a person understands that by uniting with others, he will return to the state of Infinity, and that he has to return there in spite of these new difficult conditions, in spite of our rejection of one another, then he begins to work. He begins to create a connection with others in spite of his egoism. He does not destroy his egoism, and in fact, he doesn’t do anything with his ego. He simply builds a connection with others above it. This is called building a screen over the desire. That is how the desire turns into a Partzuf.

The rejection between the souls remains and grows constantly, but a person builds bridges over it, creates connections between the souls, which become higher and higher. It’s precisely due to the growing Aviut (thickness) that a person raises himself to higher spiritual degrees every time – above the evil. This is how one ascends along the 125 degrees of connection between all the souls.

As a result, a person achieves a perception of the World of Infinity, which is 620 times greater than before he descended to this world. “Six hundred twenty” does not refer to the quantity, but to the level of realization, understanding, perception, and sensation of life and existence. We acquire this understanding and perception in the World of Infinity instead of our initial state, where we felt like a mere drop of semen and had no opportunity to do or perceive anything.

However, now, when we return to that same state of Infinity, and our sensation is 620 times deeper and stronger, we feel that we are on the same level as the Creator, the Upper Force, which created us and all of creation.

Therefore, our inner changes in regard to others create a new state in us, which is called a new world. All the worlds are within us, and we feel them to the extent we go through inner changes through our connection with other souls.

The Many Layers Of Desire (Advanced)

withoutA question I received: You said more than once that everything occurs within a person. The whole picture of reality is projected on a screen in the  brain. Who is it projected to? Who sits on a chair, watching this picture?

My Answer: The desire! The desire to enjoy, which has 613 (TARYAG) Reshimot,  are connected to each other in a special form, called 10 Sefirot or five Partzufim.

The world consists of five Partzufim, with five Sefirot in each Partzuf, and five sub-Sefirot in each Sefira. Consequently, this is a huge structure, with many parts, which are connected to each other like pixels on a TV screen.

There is a whole layer of desires in the desire to enjoy. The Light enters the desire, fills it, and builds it according to four stages:

  • In stage Alef, the desire begins to feel fulfilled.
  • In stage Bet, it wants to become similar to the Light.
  • In stage Gimel it desires to become just like the Light, and
  • In stage Dalet it desires to become independent and to absorb all of the Light.

In this last stage, it already understands what is happening to it, and the desire evolves due to the Light. These are two opposite forces, one of which influences the other. Therefore, the Light develops the desire until it begins to feel and understand itself, as well as to feel the root and understand it. This is how matter develops.

From where do we come to enter into this world? We come from matter, which consequently represents electrons, protons, neutrons, and positrons, which begin to connect with each other in an ever more complex manner.

This connection forms matter, which suddenly begins to move and to feel on its own–what is good or bad for it,  what to draw closer to and what to distance itself from.

It begins to think what is to its benefit and what isn’t and it therefore begins to make plans. It has already gained a sensation of the past, present, and future. It remembers the past and foresees the future.

All this is formed from parts of matter due to the fact that they unite with each other, forming more complex parts. However, what does it mean to “unite?” In this unification, matter receives a quality of the Light, since otherwise it is incapable of uniting.

It turns out that there is a desire to receive pleasure in the form of enormous or microscopic masses of matter, right down to elementary particles, which are studied by quantum physics.

However, unification between them is possible only with the force of bestowal in addition to the force of reception. Then a quality of the Light enters the matter, and this matter begins to consist of itself and its opposite.

From these two opposite qualities being joined together, a sensation of “I” and “the Creator,” emerges, which is a sensation of the receiver and the giver, the past and the future, the good and the bad. This is how matter begins to perfect itself and perceive the reality that surrounds it.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Perfection Is The Unification Of Light And Desire
Laitman.com Post: The Recipe For Eternal Pleasure (Advanced)
Article: “Perception of Reality and Construction of the Soul”.-Lesson
The Path of Kabbalah: “The Birth of the Partzufim”
Baal HaSulam Article: “Thou Hast Hemmed Me In Behind and Before”-Talk

Learn To Live Long And Live Happily!

woman3The most distressing development in health care reform is the formation of a commission that is to make decisions regarding the level of health care provided to a patient during the last stages of life.

Statistics says that the cost of providing care during the last years of life is equal to the cost of care for all previous years of life. Most of us start off healthy in the beginning, then as we age, problems begin piling up until, at the end of our life, many of us are very sick and our health care costs skyrocket.

The main question being asked is: How to save money? From here, the solution has come in the form of a commission that will decide what conditions to treat and what not to treat.

Who are we talking about? Who needs these old people? When we are young we work, pay taxes and fund the government treasury depending on how much we pay in taxes and how much we spend as consumers. When we retire, we become deadwood for the state. We don’t produce anything, but become dependent on the government for our needs.

The commission is to decide how much money to spend on this deadwood, and the judges will be those who receive dividends from this process.

Here are some ideas for consideration by the commission: Can we create a society where people live longer, are happier and at the same time also cost the government less money?  What if we teach people how to eat correctly, to move and stay active, learn to love others and think of their neighbors, be in harmony with Nature and come to understand that we are one family?

We don’t need to decide whether we need this commission or other types of reform. If we begin to feel ourselves as one family, then we won’t need any reforms. We will be able to make accurate, correct decisions and learn to live long and live happily!

Written by Doctor Alex Angelov (Bnei Baruch, Boston)

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Understanding Starts By Seeing The World Through Another Person’s Eyes
Laitman.com Post: A Change In Values Is Needed To Resuscitate The Medical Profession
Laitman.com Post: Three Simple Maneuvers To Cure The Health Care System
Bail Yourself Out: “Being Well and Staying Well”
Baal HaSulam Article: “Building the Future Society”