The Salvation From The Swine Flu Is Not Isolation But Cooperation

man2In the News (from Stratfor):The Geopolitics of Pandemics” The [swine flu] virus traveled faster than news of the virus. When the news of the virus finally caught up with the virus, the global perception was shaped by a series of deaths suddenly recognized in Mexico. … Viruses that spread through casual human contact can be globally established before anyone knows of it. Given modern air transportation, diseases spread globally in a matter of days or even hours.

The true threat to humanity, if it ever comes, will not come from influenza. Rather, it will come from a disease spread through casual human contact, but with a higher mortality rate than flu and no clear treatment.

My Comment: The swine flu has demonstrated that humanity is unable to stop a virus. And that is because there is no global health infrastructure that can quickly develop, manufacture and deliver the needed medicine to the sick around the world. Our salvation cannot come from trying to isolate from each other, but only from the opposite – mutual cooperation!

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