Will It Help Moving From A City To A Suburb?

cityIn the News (from The New York Times): A new survey by the Pew Research Center shows that most city dwellers would rather live in a suburb, small town or rural area.

My Comment: Egoism searches for a place where there is less suffering. However, people won’t be able to “hide their head in the sand.” They will have to become corrected to become like nature. And the Creator cautions that He will “get” us anywhere. In other words, Nature is leading all of Its parts to the state of complete balance with It).

You are still thinking of the world the way it was decades ago. But even though there are places that externally look like nothing has changed, in fact, all the connections have been renewed: they have become global (absolutely interdependent). And today you will discover this in any suburb or village.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Man Was Created to Exist In Balance With Nature
Laitman.com Post: Nature’s Commandments = the Creator’s Laws

One Comment

  1. Is that really all there is to it because that’d be falbbergasting.

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