Entries in the 'Zohar' Category

The Commandment of Correction

624.02The tenth commandment—putting on Tefillin [phylacteries] and to complete himself in the ‎upper form means in spiritual terms the correction of basic egoistic desires, which we must limit and turn into good desires.

Placing of Tefillin on the arm and on the head symbolizes correction of thoughts and correction of actions.
From KabTV’s “Introduction to The Book of Zohar” 12/10/23

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Spiritual Signs
Mitzvot (Commandments) – The Correction Of Desires
The Creator And The Creation: A Hand And A Glove

In the World of the Creator’s Love

527.02The second commandment of the Torah is the commandment of love for the Creator. That means that we feel, attain, and define the Creator as an absolutely good force that holds the whole world and all of humanity. Therefore, if we want to be closer to the Creator, we must behave like Him with good to everyone.

It is said that even if the Creator takes away a person’s soul, one still needs to love Him. In other words, even if you see something in nature that seems wrong according to your understanding, you must understand that this is how you perceive reality.

All the laws of the Creator are good and are dictated by the absolute love of the Creator for the created beings.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 12/10/23

Related Material:
“And You Shall Love The Lord”
To Feel Love, You, Yourself Have To Love
Evil Is Our Inability To Feel Love

The Main Task Is to Fulfill the Laws of the Creator

249.01It is said in the Introduction of The Book of Zohar that there are three types of fear and only one of them is real.

The first type of fear is when a person keeps the commandments in order to be protected from bodily and monetary punishment in this world.

The second type is fear of punishment in the future world. But real fear is the third type when a person is in fear before the Creator.

Since the Creator is a common force that includes and holds the entire universe, fulfilling the laws of the Creator, that is, His commandments, is the most important task of a person. By this, he not only ensures the correct state for himself, the people, the world, and the entire universe, but also looks into the future, sees, and attains everything that can happen, and corrects it.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 12/10/23

Related Material:
The Fear of the Lord Is the Beginning of Wisdom
Our Treasure Is The Fear Of The Creator
The Long Path To Fear

The Concept of “Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery” in the Spiritual Work

627.2Question: The article “The Night of the Bride” talks about King David committing adultery with the wife of his military commander, Uriah. Why exactly did King David, a righteous man, perform such an act?

Answer: King David was truly an absolutely righteous man in everything. What is described in the Torah is interpreted by us from a corporeal point of view.

During the reign of King David, his friend Uriah, who led the regiment, was forced to go to war. After this, David began a relationship with his wife and thereby greatly harmed himself and others.

Many questions arise here. First, you cannot get involved with a married woman especially if you sent her husband to war.

It is further explained that, in fact, she was no longer Uriah’s wife because those who went off to war got divorced beforehand so that if they died, the divorced wives could remarry.

Question: What does “thou shalt not commit adultery” mean in spiritual work?

Answer: Those are very difficult things when a person is left alone with his thoughts, feelings, and decisions.

From a spiritual point of view, a man’s wife is his will to receive, i.e., his intention for his own sake. The prohibition of having a relationship with the wife of another means that you cannot use the desire of your neighbor for your own sake.
From KabTV’s “Introduction to The Book of Zohar” 11/12/23

Related Material:
Adultery In Spirituality
The Commandment: “Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery”
The Commandment: “Thou Shalt Not Steal”

If One Slanders, the Whole System Suffers

253“Do not let your mouth make your flesh sin.” One must not let one’s mouth cause the arrival of an evil thought, and cause the holy flesh—in which the holy covenant is imprinted—to sin.
(Introduction to The Book of Zohar “Laila de Kalah [The Night of the Bride]”, Item 131)

A person should watch his speech. He needs to understand that only good, real, and true can come from his mouth. In this case, he gets closer to the Creator.

Slander causes bad thoughts, which can cause the holy flesh to be involved in sin.

Holy flesh is not just our thoughts, but desires when we begin to strive for all kinds of fulfillment in this world. Therefore, one must be careful not to immerse oneself in such desires and pleasures and not to allow oneself to elevate them to the degree of holiness.

If a person has any internal complaints about other people or the Creator, then, in principle, this is normal. But if he spills them out with his mouth, then both he and the one to whom his words are addressed suffer because we are all interconnected.

Only in our physical world are we separated by distances and the inability to hear and feel each other, but in fact, there are no obstacles to this. Therefore, if one person slanders, then the whole system suffers.
From KabTV’s “Introduction to The Book of Zohar” 11/12/23

Related Material:
Look at Each Other Through the Prism of Love
What To Look For In The Assembly Of Friends
Why Is Criticism Encouraged in Kabbalah?

The Concepts of Angels and Hell

232.08The one appointed over hell, whose name is Dumah, several tens of thousands of sabotaging angels are with him (Introduction to The Book of ZoharLaila de Kalah [On the Night of the Bride],” Item 131).

An angel is a spiritual, physical, or practical, no matter what kind of, action.

In other words, angels are positive and negative forces within a person that result in his good and evil actions. After all, everything starts with a thought: either good or bad.

Question: What is hell?

Answer: Usually we interpret this concept in accordance with our not quite normal ideas imposed by different traditions.

In fact, it is something like a court where a person is judged for his good or evil actions, thoughts, and desires.
From KabTV’s “Introduction to The Book of Zohar” 11/12/23

Related Material:
To See An Angel
Heaven And Hell – Here And Now
The Magic Of Egoism And Bestowal

The Book of Zohar: How to Improve the State of the World

522.01Question: How can The Book of Zohar be used to improve the situation in the world? I really do not want to read it abstractly.

Answer: Then read it with the thought that you are thinking about the world. Then you will understand this book more deeply.

Comment: But the text of the book has nothing to do with the events that take place in the world.

My Response: It does not matter. Read The Book of Zohar with the intention that the world will get better even if you do not understand anything. It is like medicine. Take it, and then you will see how it works.
From KabTV’s “Introduction to The Book of Zohar” 11/12/23

Related Material:
Zohar Is a Cure for all Illnesses
The Zohar Is for those Striving for the Light
The Key To The Book Of Zohar

Our World Is a World of Spiritual Consequences

234Question: The Torah describes the laws of communication with the upper force. Do these laws manifest themselves in our world as a root and branch?

Answer: Some do because the Creator is the whole of nature around us, Elokim, in gematria is the same as Teva (nature). And if we treat it correctly, then, naturally, we will influence correctly the upper force called the Creator, and by this, it will influence us correctly.

Comment: That is what is confusing. On one hand in The Book of Zohar, which in principle comments on the Torah and decodes it, it is written that the Torah does not say a single word about our world but only about states outside of time and space.

My Response: It is about the forces that are above our world.

Question: Yes. On the other hand we see some manifestations of things in the Torah in our world also. There are some well-established traditions. How can one figure it out?

Answer: Very little is said about our world because our world is a world of consequences. If we begin to correctly impact the upper force, the Creator, according to the fact that we will become more and more correctly like Him, then naturally, His influence on our world will be positive for us.

In other words, a commandment is an action to change an intention for oneself to an intention for the sake of bestowal, for the sake of the Creator.

Such an action is possible only when a person is in direct contact with the Creator. And before that he performs simply mechanical actions in our world, which are, as it were, preparation for spiritual ones.
From KabTV’s”Spiritual States” 11/21/23

Related Material:
Laws Emanating from the Spiritual World
Get Out Of The Black Box And Enter The Spiritual World
The Spiritual World – The World Of Qualities

“Day to Day Utters Speech, and Night to Night Tells Knowledge”

921Day to day utters speech, and night to night tells knowledge (Psalms 19:3). That means everything flows smoothly from day to day and from night to night.

Therefore, a person should try to make these transitions smoothly. Then all the nights turn into one night, and all the days turn into one day.

A day is a state when we have the greatness of the Creator, the greatness of the quality of bestowal. And the night is when we are in exile from this state.

 Sit, O dear ones, sit, and we will renew the correction of the bride on this night. Anyone who bonds with her on that night will be kept all through that year, above and below, and will complete his year in peace. It is written about them, “The angel of God camps around those who fear Him and will rescue them. Taste and see that the Lord is good” (Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai [Rashbi], Zohar forAll, “On the Night of the Bride,” Item 150)

The point is that to all your corrections you need to add a global correction for all, for all nights and days, put them together so that they all turn into one day, and this day shines on a person.

Kept all through that year means a person is protected from darkness.
From KabTV’s “Introduction to The Book of Zohar” 11/12/23

Related Material:
The Night Of The Bride
About Light And Darkness
Day And Night In Spirituality

Don’t Let Your Mouth Cause the Arrival of an Evil Thought

527.01Question: Why is so much importance attached to the fact that “one must not let one’s mouth cause the arrival of an evil thought”?

Answer: When you speak out loud and breathe something positive or negative out of yourself, you connect with the entire world and are awakening positive or negative waves in it.

Question: But a bad action is more harmful than mere slander, correct? In principle, Kabbalists always wrote about slander as something very terrible that destroys the system, but they did not talk about actions at all. Was this something that goes without saying?

Answer: Yes, of course. It is clear that the bad actions of an individual harm others. But even if the negativity comes from words or thoughts, it is bad for the whole system.

Comment: But I cannot control my thoughts.

My Response: Correct yourself so that these thoughts do not arise in you. The main thing is to try.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 11/12/23

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