The Concept of “Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery” in the Spiritual Work

627.2Question: The article “The Night of the Bride” talks about King David committing adultery with the wife of his military commander, Uriah. Why exactly did King David, a righteous man, perform such an act?

Answer: King David was truly an absolutely righteous man in everything. What is described in the Torah is interpreted by us from a corporeal point of view.

During the reign of King David, his friend Uriah, who led the regiment, was forced to go to war. After this, David began a relationship with his wife and thereby greatly harmed himself and others.

Many questions arise here. First, you cannot get involved with a married woman especially if you sent her husband to war.

It is further explained that, in fact, she was no longer Uriah’s wife because those who went off to war got divorced beforehand so that if they died, the divorced wives could remarry.

Question: What does “thou shalt not commit adultery” mean in spiritual work?

Answer: Those are very difficult things when a person is left alone with his thoughts, feelings, and decisions.

From a spiritual point of view, a man’s wife is his will to receive, i.e., his intention for his own sake. The prohibition of having a relationship with the wife of another means that you cannot use the desire of your neighbor for your own sake.
From KabTV’s “Introduction to The Book of Zohar” 11/12/23

Related Material:
Adultery In Spirituality
The Commandment: “Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery”
The Commandment: “Thou Shalt Not Steal”

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