The Role of the Spies

547.04Question: The spies and the 70 nations of the world are opposed to the spiritual path in different ways. The nations of the world do not want to go in this direction at all. What about the spies?

Answer: The spies seem to want to, but they are afraid, dissuade others, and use all sorts of techniques in order to lead them off the right path.

Question: How can the spies try to lead me away from the goal? Are they foreign thoughts or intentions for my own sake?

Answer: They are not entirely foreign thoughts. Spies use your interest in the spiritual path and try to fit it into actions that lead you away from the goal: “You want to go toward this goal, but go to a different one, and there you will find what you want.”

A person must discover this in himself. It is not that easy to do, but it is not hard either.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah lesson 12/4/23, Writings of Rabash “The Spies“

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