How Can We Resist a Thief or a Robber

284.07The root of all the sins is the will to receive in order to receive, which is what a person receives from the Creator, meaning from His domain, and lets everything into his own domain, which is called “theft.” That is, he extracts from the domain of the Creator, and he takes the pleasures from the Creator’s domain into his own. It follows that he is not regarded as a thief but as a robber, for although the Creator sees him taking, his will to receive is so strong that he cannot resist it, which is why he is considered a robber and not a thief (Rabash. Article No. 20, 1986. Should One Sin and Be Guilty).

Question: How can we resist a thief and a robber? What is the difference?

Answer: We can only catch the thief and take from him what was stolen. How does one do this? We still have to learn this.

However, we have to catch the robber in order to take the loot from him, scare him, and fight with him because he wants to take everything. He already has a clearer understanding of what we are taking from him or what he has stolen from us.

Question: What helps in the war with myself when I realize that I am a robber?

Answer: Only connection with the friends; there is nothing else. From there, you will receive an answer for any state.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 11/30/23, Writings of Rabash “Should One Sin and Be Guilty“

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