If One Slanders, the Whole System Suffers

253“Do not let your mouth make your flesh sin.” One must not let one’s mouth cause the arrival of an evil thought, and cause the holy flesh—in which the holy covenant is imprinted—to sin.
(Introduction to The Book of Zohar “Laila de Kalah [The Night of the Bride]”, Item 131)

A person should watch his speech. He needs to understand that only good, real, and true can come from his mouth. In this case, he gets closer to the Creator.

Slander causes bad thoughts, which can cause the holy flesh to be involved in sin.

Holy flesh is not just our thoughts, but desires when we begin to strive for all kinds of fulfillment in this world. Therefore, one must be careful not to immerse oneself in such desires and pleasures and not to allow oneself to elevate them to the degree of holiness.

If a person has any internal complaints about other people or the Creator, then, in principle, this is normal. But if he spills them out with his mouth, then both he and the one to whom his words are addressed suffer because we are all interconnected.

Only in our physical world are we separated by distances and the inability to hear and feel each other, but in fact, there are no obstacles to this. Therefore, if one person slanders, then the whole system suffers.
From KabTV’s “Introduction to The Book of Zohar” 11/12/23

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