The Fear of the Lord Is the Beginning of Wisdom

294.4The fear of the Lord is the Resheet [beginning] of wisdom.” It is also written, “The fear of the Lord is the Resheet [beginning] of knowledge,” since fear is called Resheet. Also, it is the gate by which to enter faith, and the whole world exists on this Mitzva” (Baal HaSulam, Introduction of the Book of Zohar, “The Commandments of the Torah,” the First Commandment, Item 189).

The fear of the Creator is a common foundation that binds everything and holds the whole building on itself. A person fears the Creator, who is the root of everything, governs everything, and organizes everything. There is nothing in the world that exists outside of the Creator, the one upper force that embraces everything.

It is a mistake to think that a person can exist independently of the Creator and decide something oneself. Such a thing does not exist in nature. Only the Creator does everything, and therefore, fear of the Creator is the root of everything.

To fear the Creator means to tremble before the greatness of the one who reigns everywhere and governs everything like before the only force in the world on which a person depends one hundred percent.

But this is not about being afraid of the Creator, but about being afraid to separate from the force that embraces everything. A person should perceive every moment of his existence as being sent by the Creator. This is what is called the fear of the Creator.

The Creator is the entirety of nature, which includes all the natural laws that He established.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/23/23, Writings of Baal HaSulamIntroduction to The Book of Zohar

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