Entries in the 'Unity' Category

The Transition From Individualism To Community

275Question: Some experts believe it is advisable to constantly change concepts in management to include the latest advancements of science. Is such an approach of constant transformation of the system possible from the point of view of Kabbalah?

Answer: It is necessary. But first, we must rise from the level of an individual approach toward the world, life, and solving problems to the level of an integral approach.

Now a transition phase must occur, from individualism to community. For that, first, a team should be created where, let us say, ten people, feel as one common whole.

A completely different view on nature, on tasks, on life, on everything, appears in them. They change the algorithm of perception within themselves and start to feel nature differently than we do, beyond any individual differences. A new level of thinking appears—integral, with completely new sensation and new way of solving problems.

When we rise to this level and begin to feel that all of nature, including us, is one common whole, we will relate to nature correctly and solve our problems correctly. Then we will begin to issue completely new management decisions, new instructions, and they will pursue a completely different goal. The goal is only to integrate even more.

At this cardinal new level, we unite more and more all the elements of nature in our consciousness so that it becomes more and more integral, including, as broadly as possible, all of nature and, as closely as possible, all of humanity. Thus, the increasingly manifested egoism does not divide us in any of its manifestations, but, on the contrary, forces us to unite above it.

In the new perception of reality, there are 125 steps of increasingly integral interactions.
From KabTV’s “The Science of Management”

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Integrality Of The Overall System
Becoming One System
Together In One System

“Hatred Around Every Corner” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “Hatred Around Every Corner

Today, Sunday, is the 17th of the Hebrew month of Tammuz. On that day, some 2,000 years ago, the Romans breached the walls of Jerusalem. Three weeks later, they reached the Temple and destroyed it, then exiled the remaining Jews from Jerusalem and we lost our sovereignty. But it weren’t the Romans who had conquered us. It was our own hatred that had set us off against each other. The Jewish-turned-Roman historian Flavius Josephus put it very simply: “The sedition destroyed the city, and the Romans destroyed the sedition.”

Israel regained independence 73 years ago, but we did not fortify our sovereignty with unity. In the absence of unity, sedition will destroy the country once again. Wherever you look, there is hatred. Within families, among different factions in the nation, among political parties, hatred sets the tone wherever you look. In fact, hatred is so prominent here that if we had to fight the Romans once again, we would destroy each other instead, just as our ancestors did two millennia ago.

Our nation was founded on unity, and on unity alone. We were declared a nation only when we pledged to love each other as ourselves, to be “as one man with one heart.” Among the first Israelites, who came from all over the Fertile Crescent, there were no other connections other than the pledge to forge unity and mutual responsibility. This was why our nation was so unique.

Two thousand years ago, the process of capitulating to our ego and division culminated in the civil war that ended with the ruin of the Temple. That hatred obliterated our peoplehood and destroyed the very basis of our nation: unity above all. Since the ruin of the Temple, we have not healed the hatred that destroyed it, and as a result, we have not regained the right to be regarded as a nation.

King Solomon stated, “Hate stirs strife, and love will cover all crimes” (Prov. 10:12). We are pious when it comes to fulfilling the first part of the verse, but we are equally irreverent when it comes to fulfilling its second part. As long as we let hatred set the tone among us, we will not merit the title “nation” and the country will decline to the point of collapse.

The choice is in our hands. If we choose unity, we will thrive and prosper. If we succumb to our egos and let division, derision, and odium come over us, we will be ousted and persecuted as we have been for the past two millennia.


“Disasters Will Hunt Jews Until Unity Is Achieved” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “Disasters Will Hunt Jews Until Unity Is Achieved

In a race against time, emergency workers try to find survivors of a residential building that collapsed days ago in Surfside near Miami, Florida. More than 150 people are still unaccounted for and the death toll rises every day. This tragedy knocks at the door in a neighborhood with a growing Jewish community, a community now in shock and disbelief at the disaster. Finally, the question arises of why it is that Jews are again at the heart of a new blow?

The cause of the collapse is still unknown, but according to the New York Times, almost three years ago an engineer expressed concerns about structural damage to the building that required renovations but which were never implemented. Whatever the reason, there is one undeniable fact: the Jews are at the center of yet another disaster. These are no longer obscure clues and signs but accumulating facts, a chain of events that connect and raise many question marks.

A recent stampede at the religious pilgrimage to Mount Meron in Israel—believed to be the largest single annual Jewish event in the world—left 45 people dead and over 150 wounded. A fatal collapse of a synagogue bleacher in Jerusalem on Shavuot night and other series of events prior to the tragedy in Florida have one common denominator: the Jews.

Using words as arrows to make their point, our sages wrote about the reason for Jewish afflictions: “No calamity comes to the world but for Israel,” (Yevamot, 63a.) The unfounded hatred which was the root cause of the destruction of the First and Second Temples is also characteristic of the Jewish people these days.

The Book of Zohar states that when separation prevails among the people of Israel, “They bring about the existence of poverty, ruin, and robbery, looting, killing, and destructions in the world” (Tikkuney Zohar, No. 30).

The breakage in our relationships as Jews is akin to the building collapse in Florida. When Jews fall into separation and do not lean toward oneness above all differences, then the cracks in their structural basis as a people weaken and their troubles increase, manifesting in different and unexpected ways.

Brotherly love among the Jewish people evokes a positive force with the capacity to neutralize all evil. This power corrects, straightens, settles, and balances reality as a whole.

An excruciating path would be to ignore the warning signs and delay the call for Jewish unity—the force which has been the foundation of the Jewish people since time immemorial. If Jews continue along the path of mutual hatred, they will gnaw away their cohesion until their bedrock is undermined and destroyed. Conversely, it is written in the book Maor VaShemesh, “The prime defense against calamity is love and unity. When there are love, unity, and friendship between each other in Israel, no calamity can come over them.”

Until Jews wake up and reach a common concern for one another, following an educational campaign that will bring Jews closer together and later all the people in the world, many more disasters will continue to befall them. That’s an annoying and infuriating truth. However, there is also a way to reverse the situation: through a real change of attitude toward each other, through unity as the pillar, as the precondition to shake off predicaments and thrive as a people, Jews can escape troubles. As the great Rav Kook wrote, “Since we were ruined by unfounded hatred and the world was ruined with us, we will be rebuilt by unfounded love and the world will be rebuilt with us.” (Orot Kodesh [Sacred Lights]).

The Doctor’s Right To Heal

294.2The Creator gave doctors the right to heal. But since medicine is faulty, and a doctor is just an ordinary earthly egoist, there is reason to doubt vaccination. However, whatever happens, we need to be closer to life. The pandemic will teach us the right attitude: if there is a vaccine, then we must get vaccinated and follow the generally accepted approach.

I am not analyzing the situation in different countries and regarding different vaccines, but now that a new wave of the pandemic is rising, let’s take this seriously. I receive letters from different countries of the world telling me about the serious troubles caused by Covid in our students’ families, and mainly those who have not been vaccinated.

The waves of the pandemic will be coming one after another, and let’s think about how to protect ourselves. This disease will not leave us easily until we start participating in deeper and deeper internal corrections between us. After all, we are in the era of the last generation, and the Creator wants to see that humanity is starting to unite.

If we do not want to do this in a good way, then at least through suffering and blows we will still begin to unite due to hopelessness and we will reveal our dependence on each other. We do not feel this direction and this goal yet, but we will soon discover that the pandemic is designed to unite us and show our mutual dependence on each other.

I do not consider particular cases, but I look at the situation in general from the point of view of the Creator, who certainly has a program and a purpose for this. We too should approach this according to the laws of the method of correction.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/22/21, “Advance By Overcoming”

Related Material:
Universal Vaccination Against All Viruses
Coronavirus Vaccine
When Will Coronavirus Disappear?

The Coronavirus Has Cornered Us

288.2The Creator sent us an epidemic hitting the whole world. Again, we have to declare quarantine and lock people at home. The Creator wants us to sit at home and think about how to change the connection between us from bad to good.

It is like a father punishing his son by putting him in a corner to think about what he was punished for. And we, like that child, stand in that corner, not thinking about anything, only waiting for everything to end and to be released. This is how egoism usually sets us up.

And what should we understand from this? That we were put in a corner or locked in a room as a punishment so that we would think about how to relate to life correctly. It turns out that this is not a blow but a cure, because by the blows of the Creator, He heals. We should consider this as medicine, the same help as our parents gave us when they punished us and meant by it to change us for the better.

Now we see how each country in front of the others is proud of how it managed to fight the coronavirus epidemic and brags about its vaccines: Russian, American, German. But is this really what the Creator wants from us?

The epidemic will not end there. We will still have to pay for it with great suffering and money, but in the end, humanity will learn that this is not “my” or “your” problem, but “ours.” And therefore, we should all develop one medicine together to fight against a single enemy.

The Creator teaches us, and so it is in everything. We are in the last generation and these blows only direct us toward unification. The sooner we understand this, the sooner we will see that the solution is very simple and fast.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/21/21, “Advance by Overcoming”

Related Material:
Where Is Salvation From The Coronavirus?
The Virus Softens Our Hearts
The Viral Trajectory

“A Granddad’s Heart” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “A Granddad’s Heart

When I first became a granddad and saw my grandson for the first time, my heart filled with love. I held him in my arms; I wanted to play with him, to do something for him to make him feel good. I had never experienced such an emotion before that time.

Love is the reason we are here in this world; it is the reason why the world was created. Yet, unlike natural love, such as the instinctive love of a grandfather to a grandchild, among strangers, there is natural resistance, alienation, and enmity, rather than love.

However, life is formed precisely by overcoming these emotions. Every living being evolves by overcoming resistance and hardships. These “obstacles” create the need for growth and development. Had it not been for hardships and resistance, there would be no evolution and humans would never have come to be.

Feelings of separation from others, alienation, and enmity are therefore not negative emotions; they are levers for growth. We see them as negative when we don’t want to rise above them and grow. If, instead of rejecting them and fearing them, we would see them as opportunities to grow and develop ourselves, we would welcome them and benefit from them tremendously. Moreover, by rising above them, we would create a greater and tighter bond than the one we had before the appearance of those “hindrances.”

For example, think of the complexity of a unicellular creature compared to the complexity of the human body. They are incomparable. The reason for the creation of such a complex system as the human body is precisely the obstacles that all the levels of complexity encountered before they came to make a human organism. In a sense, therefore, we “owe” our lives, our existence, to the hatred and separation that appeared on the levels preceding ours.

This should teach us that we cannot eschew our duty to face the hatred that is being revealed among us today. Hatred appears for no other reason other than to promote evolution and greater union. If we avoid facing our resistance and uniting above the new and tougher level of hatred, we will hamper the evolution of our own species and pay heavily for it.

Our attitude toward the social crises plaguing our planet should therefore not be as natural as among family, but rather conscious and intentional. We should acknowledge that we do not feel like family, use family relations as an example to strive for, and try, together, to establish such relationships among us.

The key word here is “together.” Overcoming mutual alienation must be a mutual effort in which all parts of the population participate. Otherwise, one part will exploit the other and the whole feat will tumble like a deck of cards. We must install the awareness of how paramount it is that we form union above our separation until we truly feel as one family. Today, our lives, and the lives of our loved ones, depend on it.

“No Desire For Children – China As An Example” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “No Desire for Children – China as an Example

Recently, China lifted the cap on births from 2 to 3 in what it now defines as a “three-child policy.” According to a story by David Stanway and Tony Munroe published on Reuters, the reason for the policy shift is that “recent data showed a dramatic decline in births.” Although China canceled its one-child policy back in 2016 and raised the cap to two children, it “failed to result in a sustained surge in births,” state the writers. Now, Beijing has not only raised the cap once more, but added various incentives for married couples to have more children.

I don’t think the birthrate is a matter of policy. The Chinese, like most people all over the world, want fewer and fewer children. Humanity is growing increasingly selfish and people find no pleasure in raising children that they know will ignore them as soon as they can sustain themselves. Zhang Xinyu, a 30-year-old mother of one from Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan province, clearly articulated her characteristic attitude: “Thinking of the big picture, realistically, I don’t want to have a second child. And a third is even more impossible.”

In light of our growing self-absorption, we are going to see a decline in the world population. Personally, I see nothing wrong with it. Technology will make up for any shortage in working hands, and there will be fewer mouths to feed and fewer people populating the already overpopulated planet. A hundred years ago, humanity was about 2 billion people; now it is close to 8 billion. I see no harm in returning to more sustainable numbers.

However, the more important question is not how many people there are in the world, but what they do here. If people are as hateful of each other as they are today, the fewer of us the better for everyone. But if there is love and unity among people and nations, we can sustain as many people as we want, and we won’t feel any crowdedness or shortage. Therefore, what is important is that we begin to invest not in birthrates but in shifting the attitudes of those who are already here from animosity to amity.

Everything that is happening now—the tensions and pandemics, the crises and upheavals—should lead us to one conclusion: We must deal with the root cause of our problem—our relationships. Nature’s laws dictate that we will operate in an integral and integrated manner, as does nature itself. Our relentless efforts to destroy one another economically, socially, and even physically, put us at odds with nature. We are opposite from the environment we live in, so how can we expect to feel good? Would you expect a fish out of water to feel good? Would you expect it to survive? This is what we are doing to ourselves: We’re living in an interconnected and interdependent environment, yet we are behaving as though we are independent and self-sustaining beings. In such a state, we cannot feel good here, and in the long run, we won’t be able to survive.

We have come to a point, not only in China but the world over, that we must build our connections as an interdependent and interconnected network, just like the world around us. We are too big and too influential for nature to tolerate us at our current level of disruption of its structure. Since we are inside of nature, and since nature created us and sustains us, if we insist on fighting it, it will eradicate us just as it eradicates any being that is incongruent with its laws. Therefore, instead of worrying about the quantity of people, we should worry about their quality, the level of our connectedness and mutual concern.

“Reply To A Question About Jews And Arabs In Israel” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “Reply to a Question about Jews and Arabs in Israel

One of my students told me that since the beginning of Operation Guardian of the Walls (the most recent military campaign against Hamas in Gaza), dozens of Israeli Arabs left positive messages on my Hebrew Facebook page. They didn’t relate to the conflict, but expressed their agreement with the message of unity that I am conveying there. The student asked me if I could explain their sudden interest in the content on my page.

I think it’s easier for Arab Israelis to access my content than it is for Arabs in other countries for the simple reason that Arab Israelis speak and read Hebrew. From the content of their comments, which are also written in Hebrew, it’s clear that they agree with the message in my words, and this, I think, should be the clearest message to the Jews regarding what we need to do if we truly want peace.
First, I think it’s easier for Arab Israelis to access my content than it is for Arabs in other countries for the simple reason that Arab Israelis speak and read Hebrew. From the content of their comments, which are also written in Hebrew, it’s clear that they agree with the message in my words, and this, I think, should be the clearest message to the Jews regarding what we need to do if we truly want peace.

The message, as we know, is simple: The world has no respect for us because we have no respect for the connection between us. Our sages repeated this message in the ears of our ancestors. They wrote about it profusely, yet we refused to listen. Antisemites, too, have told us in countless ways that they despised our loathing of each other. History has repeatedly shown that the worst blows we suffered from the nations came after periods of intensified discord and infighting among us, and our most prosperous times were during strong internal unity.

Now the Arabs are telling us the same message. In my eyes, they are not enemies; they are messengers who tell us that they will appreciate us when we appreciate the connection between us. It is the same message that the nations of the world have been telling us since our inception as a nation, but now it is being told by our contemporaries. To me, the positive response of our Arab neighbors to the message of Jewish unity is a testimony to the paramount need to begin the process of reconciliation with our neighbors with reconciliation among ourselves. The sooner we start, the better it will be for everyone: for the Jews in Israel, for the Arabs in Israel, and for the rest of the world. As soon as we begin to unite, we will find that the Arabs are not our enemies, they are our partners.

For more on this topic, refer to the books The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism, Historical facts on anti-Semitism as a reflection of Jewish social discord, and Like a Bundle of Reeds: Why unity and mutual guarantee are today’s call of the hour.

“Israel’s Founding Principle – Unity Above All Else” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “Israel’s Founding Principle – Unity Above All Else

Israel faces an identity crisis. Over the years we have followed without much thought the rules imposed by the British Mandate after the Ottoman period in the Land of Israel. It has been a natural precedent to carry on, an easy and convenient one. However, the conditions for the governments of other nations cannot and will not suit us here. Therefore, we keep failing time and time again, from government to government, and have yet to get it right.

Nowadays it is already clear to everyone—for better or for worse—that we are a unique people. The world does not allow us to be like other peoples, and Israel is likewise revealed as a country that cannot be like all other countries.

The State of Israel must build itself and its form of government in accordance with its unique character and identity. While the current conditions in Israel are characterized by social havoc, by unruly hatred similar to that which erupted between us in the days of the destruction of the Temple, love of others and the unity of the people above all else is still the requisite state to which we must aspire. We are a nation founded on the supreme commandment to reach love above hatred, to transcend self-interest and to establish good mutual relations between us.

Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion understood this well. He said: “By these will the State be judged, by the moral character it imparts to its citizens, by the human values determining its inner and outward relations, and by its fidelity, in thought and act, to the supreme behest: ‘and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.’ Here is crystallized the eternal law of Judaism, and all the written ethics in the world can say no more. The State will be worthy of its name only if its systems, social and economic, political and legal, are based upon these imperishable words.” (“Rebirth and Destiny of Israel”)

Ben-Gurion was right. The Supreme Providence will not allow the State of Israel to function according to the conditions of other countries. Pressure will be put on us until we begin to fulfill our destiny. We must understand who we are, what is expected from us, what our role is towards the nations, and govern accordingly. The question is: will we reach such an awareness in a positive or in a negative way, out of awakening and consent on our part to connect as one people, or out of anguish from internal and external pressures?

In order to avoid insurmountable divisions leading to terrible civil war, we must internalize the fact that the basic laws of the people of Israel are the spiritual laws of mutual care and unity.

This fundamental value must be the backbone of every governmental decision, law, and its implementation. From the top downwards, the idea of unity must permeate all avenues of Israeli society. Just as we care for our children’s intellectual upbringing regardless of their socio-economic background, we must provide education to build good and harmonious relations between all members of the nation, to establish close ties connecting each and every one of the people. This law of mutual responsibility and love is the founding principle of our people and should be our lasting recipe for success.

We Need A Third Force

962.6The Creator deliberately collides opposites so we would need a third force to connect good and evil, right and left, any contradiction at all levels and in any form. This third force, that is, the force of the Creator, is revealed as reconciling all opposites.

We will see how hatred in our world is growing day by day. All connections that people have established until our time will now begin to break, crumble, and expose our separation and hatred.

This revelation will be so substantial that it will become clear that we cannot establish connections between us on our own. There is only one upper force that prevents our connection and the good existence of all of humanity, of every family. Relations between countries, between people, and man with himself will explode, revealing the shattering more and more so that it becomes obvious that only with the help of the upper force is it possible to connect everyone and cover all crimes with love.

Yet, we do not know how to do this because, from the point of view of our common sense, it is illogical since it is above our degree. Only the wisdom of Kabbalah explains how to make such a connection, come closer to each other, and establish peace so that humanity does not crumble and scatter in different directions like animals fleeing from beatings.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/20/21,” Justifying The Creator”

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Justify The Creator
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The Middle Line Is Above Love And Hatred