The Coronavirus Has Cornered Us

288.2The Creator sent us an epidemic hitting the whole world. Again, we have to declare quarantine and lock people at home. The Creator wants us to sit at home and think about how to change the connection between us from bad to good.

It is like a father punishing his son by putting him in a corner to think about what he was punished for. And we, like that child, stand in that corner, not thinking about anything, only waiting for everything to end and to be released. This is how egoism usually sets us up.

And what should we understand from this? That we were put in a corner or locked in a room as a punishment so that we would think about how to relate to life correctly. It turns out that this is not a blow but a cure, because by the blows of the Creator, He heals. We should consider this as medicine, the same help as our parents gave us when they punished us and meant by it to change us for the better.

Now we see how each country in front of the others is proud of how it managed to fight the coronavirus epidemic and brags about its vaccines: Russian, American, German. But is this really what the Creator wants from us?

The epidemic will not end there. We will still have to pay for it with great suffering and money, but in the end, humanity will learn that this is not “my” or “your” problem, but “ours.” And therefore, we should all develop one medicine together to fight against a single enemy.

The Creator teaches us, and so it is in everything. We are in the last generation and these blows only direct us toward unification. The sooner we understand this, the sooner we will see that the solution is very simple and fast.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/21/21, “Advance by Overcoming”

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