“What are the causes of monkeypox?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: What are the causes of monkeypox?

Not just monkeypox, but all kinds of diseases emerge internally from within humanity as a result of our overblown egocentric desire.

The more we evolve, the more the human ego grows, and the coarser the ego we live in, the greater problems we bring upon ourselves. They emerge from the depths of nature; our very own nature. In other words, if we fail to work out how to regulate our overblown egos, then we continually use them and bear witness to new diseases and misfortunes that surface.

Likewise, if the ego continues growing unabated, we will unleash more and more negative phenomena that we will be unable to handle. It is like we hold Pandora’s box within us, and we either let all kinds of problems run rampant from it, or we learn how to retrain it, correct it, and stop it from breaking out of its depths.

As the cause of all kinds of diseases and misfortunes is within us, so too the solution depends on us. We need to learn how to conduct human relations in ways that will not let the ego surface. By definition, the human ego is a force that prioritizes self-benefit over benefiting others, and which enjoys from being more well-off than others. It is the essence of nature, and all problems we encounter in our lives—from diseases through to problems in our relationships, finances and the ecology—swirl around it. The more we use the ego in an unrestricted manner, the greater the problems we bring upon ourselves on all scales: biological, physical and social. It thus makes sense that such nascent ailments as monkeypox materialize, and we can expect worse ones to come about.

Therefore, if we wish to discuss the root cause of monkeypox, then it is none other than the human ego. With our regular means in our world, we never reach such a realization because it runs against the same nature. Instead, we spend truckloads of money on research, technologies and medicines, and all we ever reach are Band-Aid solutions, at best. Eventually, we will have no choice but to work against our own egoistic nature. That is the antidote to all diseases and other problems on every level.

We should thus continually raise awareness of the cause of our every disease and problem as rooted in the overblown human ego, and their comprehensive solution in the ego’s correction, via educational means. The more such awareness spreads throughout humanity, the more we will find our lives change trajectory to a positive course, becoming filled with harmony, peace, balance and good health.

Based on the video “What Is the Cause of Monkeypox?” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Semion Vinokur. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

Reincarnations—What Remains after the Death of the Body?

284.05Question: Does the speed of a person’s development and ascent to the spiritual world depend on previous lives and reincarnations?

Answer: Practically it doesn’t. It depends only on you.

Question: Usually people do not have problems with reincarnations; they are fine with this. The only question is whether consciousness remains. If at least something remains of me in the next life, then I can die without any fear.

Answer: As much as you think you can live in others and for others, to that extent you remain.

Question: There are many people who care about their neighbor and have maybe even sacrificed their lives for others’ sake. It is clear that we remember people who made some great discoveries for humanity a thousand or a several thousand years ago. Is it called that they live in us?

Answer: No, it is a poetic form of expression.

People who give themselves to others, that is, who have changed their nature from receiving to bestowing are indeed in a completely different active informational field. They go from negative to positive energy. In this case they have no fear of disappearing at all because they already exist in the quality of bestowal.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 10/9/22

Related Material:
Reincarnations—Living in Others
Reincarnations—What Is Left of a Person?
Reincarnations—Do We Value Our Lives?

Reincarnations—Living in Others

623Question: If a person’s egoistic desires and thoughts are limited by the boundaries of the biological body, do they also cease to exist when the body dies?

Answer: Yes, because the thoughts of a person are by no means higher than the body.

The brain serves our thoughts and desires. Consciousness is their result. If a person develops love for his neighbor or he has altruistic intentions and desires, then they are not limited by time, space, and the biological body.

Therefore, if such a person lives in others, then he continues to live when his body dies.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 10/9/22

Related Material:
Reincarnations—What Is Left of a Person?
Reincarnations—Do We Value Our Lives?
Reincarnations—Not By Choice

First Intention Then Action

627.2Question: What is the difference between thought and action? We always judge people by their actions, but thoughts practically produce the same actions. Let’s say a person wants to kill someone, we do not judge him by his thoughts.

Answer: In our world, we judge a person by actions, and in the spiritual world by thoughts. That is the difference. Therefore, we must correct our thoughts, as they say, intention.

Comment: Surely people do terrible things in their thoughts! They would have killed each other already.

My Response: This is why we are below the level of the spiritual world; we do not have its forces; otherwise, we would have taken this force and destroyed the entire world. But you are given the opportunity to have it only to the extent that you can make correct use of it and not in any other case.

The spiritual program is created in such a way that there is always an intention first and only then an action. Therefore, as soon as you may have some bad action and a bad intention before it, you immediately fall from this degree and do not have the strength to move on.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Thoughts and Actions” 9/8/13

Related Material:
An Intention Without An Intention
Living In Intention Instead Of Desire
Intention Is Reflected Light

There Is No Reason To Be Sick!

49.01Comment: Before each congress you usually were ill, generally with respiratory diseases. In fact many would be ill. Now there is a period when this passes us by.

My Response: Because we have reached another stage where we agree with unification, dissemination, and expansion and where we have come into good contact with an external force and wish it to become our internal one. We have already passed the stage of opposition.

And since I absorb everything from others, that is why I would get sick. But now the stage of alienation has ended, connection has begun, and not resistance to this and resistance to me. People are more agreeable, more compliant, more attracted, and willing to attain the spiritual in connection with each other. Therefore, there is no cause to get sick! There is no reason.

Question: So, that opposition affected the physiology in this way?

Answer: Of course! This is reflected at the whole level from top to bottom at all levels.

Question: Why did you have to suffer for everyone?

Answer: If I give to everyone, then feedback also passes through me both from top to bottom and from bottom to top.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. There is No Reason to Be Sick!” 8/13/13

Related Material:
When The Sick Are Not Ready To Be Treated
Stress Makes You Sick
Long Live The Non-Indifferent!

Lishma—For the Sake of the Creator

260.01Question: The Kabbalistic term “Lishma” is translated to “for the sake of the Creator.” What does this mean?

Answer: It means that all of creation, which is an egoistic desire for its own sake, must correct itself, change itself, as if to turn itself inside out, in order to do everything not for its own sake, but for the sake of the Creator or for the sake of others, which is basically the same thing.

It is said “From self‒love to love for friends, and then to love for the Creator.” Which means, it is the same thing. Only the meaning of love for the Creator is universal love, beyond all differences between all. And before that, we just practice on the love of friends.

Question: Which means, I should not receive and give for my own sake, but for the sake of others or for the sake of the Creator. Why?

Answer: Because in this case your desires become boundless and you begin to feel in them what the Creator feels: eternity and perfection. It seems like you have to give, but in fact you receive at the same time.

Question: It is like in an organism where every organ gets what it needs and gives everything else away, but thanks to this, life is maintained in the body and everyone benefits from it. Does Kabbalah say that we should all come to this state?

Answer: We must come to the most perfect, best, and greatest fulfillment—knowledge. Therefore, “Kabbalah” is translated from Hebrew as “the science of receiving.”

But this receiving can be limitless, infinite, only if it works together with others.

Question: So this kind of interaction should be between all people?

Answer: Yes. It allows you to get eternal and perfect fulfillment.

Question: What needs to happen for this to occur?

Answer: Recognition of the evil of our current state.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah”

Related Material:
Exile And Lo Lishma
Lo Lishma: Having Something To Correct
The Great Value Of Lo Lishma

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 10/28/22

Preparation to the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Writings of Rabash “What Is ‘For You Are the Least of All the Peoples,’ in the Work”

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam “Gatehouse of Intentions”

[media 5] [media 6]

Selected Highlights

[media 7] [media 8]

“Should great teachers be rewarded?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Should great teachers be rewarded?

I think it is incorrect to involve other calculations in teaching.

It is one thing for students to grade their teachers as a means of developing the students, but not that the teachers receive any public excellence rewards for their teaching. Doing so has nothing to do with being a good teacher.

A good teacher is one who can positively connect the students in their class, guiding their students correctly so that they can grow together.

Based on the video “Should Good Teachers Get Monetary Excellence Rewards?” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Oren Levi. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

Audio Version Of The Blog – 10/27/22

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“The agreement with Lebanon to bring neither peace nor quiet” (Times of Israel)

Michael Laitman, On The Times of Israel: “The agreement with Lebanon to bring neither peace nor quiet

“Israel’s Supreme Court on Sunday rejected petitions that would have held up a landmark US-brokered deal setting a maritime border with Lebanon, which Washington predicted could be finalized on Thursday,” hailed Reuters on Monday, October 24. But if the agreement does not guarantee peace, and it does not, if it weakens your position and gives up territory to an enemy that has sworn to kill you without even a formal promise to cease hostilities, then what is there to hail in this agreement? Why is it described as a “landmark” agreement?

The only relationship we should have with Lebanon is commercial: We drill out the gas that is in our territorial water and sell it to them, if they want to buy it. This is what every reasonable country would do.

I realize that it sounds as though this policy leaves no room for peace, but there is no one who wants peace on the other side anyway, so there is no room for peace to begin with. On the contrary, we should focus on strengthening ourselves in order to deter the enemy from harboring any thoughts of aggression, which would lead to casualties on both sides (mainly theirs) and still not lead to peace. When your enemy is trigger happy, a show of strength and courage is the best deterrence, the best way to prevent escalation to violence.

There used to be a slogan in Israel: land for peace. It promoted the idea that if we gave the Arabs land, they would give us peace.

We tried it several times. We tried signing agreements based on this formula, and we tried giving up land even without an agreement, believing that if the other side got the land it wanted, it would stop fighting. Neither way worked. The only formula that makes sense is peace for peace. If the other side wants peace, it gets peace; if it wants war, it gets war.

We need to understand the meaning of peace. The peace I talked about so far is not real peace. It is the absence of hostilities, and at best, it is normalization of the relationship based on economic interests. But when you are dealing with an enemy whose motivation stems from profound hatred, it is impossible to make peace under any circumstances. As long as there is hatred, we are condemned to live by the sword.

However, we can cure the hatred. Curing the hatred of the Palestinians toward Israel and Israelis is within our power. In fact, no one else can cure their hatred for us but we alone. And we can do this by curing the hatred that we feel for one another.

The Hebrew word for “peace” is shalom, from the word shlemut (wholeness). Currently, our nation is deeply fragmented and divided. When we have no shlemut among ourselves, we have none of it with others.

It could be said that the Palestinians are striving to eliminate the State of Israel because it is only natural for countries to spot division and weakness in their enemies and strive to take advantage of it. While this is true, this is not the case with Israel. When it comes to Israel, things get very emotional and relationships are determined by feelings of love or hate rather than by rational thinking.

The Israeli nation contains within it “delegates,” or “representatives” of people from all (or at least most of) the nations that inhabited the ancient world. Those nations have evolved into the nations we know today, all of humanity. As a result, all the nations subconsciously feel connected to the people of Israel, that they have a “stake,” an “investment” in this nation. This is why they feel entitled to judge and reprimand Israel and Jews, which they would not allow themselves to do to any other nation or country.

Thousands of years ago, those “envoys” carried out a feat that has never been repeated since: Despite their different backgrounds, they united and came to love one another even more than they cared for their own people, even more than they cared for themselves.

In doing so, the ancient Israelites created a model nation, a miniscule sample of world peace. However, the ancient Israeli nation was a proof of concept, and it worked. Because of their success, they were titled “a virtuous people,” and were instructed to be “a light to the nations.”

As long as they maintained their unity, they fulfilled their mission and the nations could see the example they needed. When they became belligerent and divided among themselves, the example they gave was the opposite of the one they had been tasked with giving. As a result, the world admonished them.

The people of Israel will never be freed from its mission. It will always be the focal point of all the nations, who will judge it according to its level of cohesion or separation. Although neither Jews nor gentiles are conscious of their ancient connection, that connection exists at our root and cannot be uprooted. This is why only when we make peace among ourselves, achieve shlemut and love one another, the world will love us, too. And when we hate each other, the world will also hate us.