We Shall Do in order to Hear!

527.03The path from a person of this world to the state that is equal to the Creator is divided into many degrees and states through which we need to ascend. That is, each person needs to correct his inner qualities until he turns from an ordinary person into one who is similar to the Creator. This entire path can be divided into stages, just as physical routes are divided into kilometers along the way. There are 613 commandments in the Torah, states that we need to go through. The commandments are also called advices, which must be fulfilled in order to become more and more similar to the Creator, with their help, up to complete adhesion with Him.

Commandment also means advice because in each such appeal of the Creator to us there is a preparation for attainment, which is called posterior, as well as the attainment itself, which is called face. The Creator offers us some kind of action. If we fulfill it, then in accordance with it we will receive some kind of spiritual elevation and new qualities will be revealed in us, and thus we will take a step toward the Creator.

Performing the action itself is considered the posterior; that is, at this time we still do not understand anything and do not receive anything, but when we finish the action, we reveal some quality, the next degree, a new state of the Creator, and this is called face.

Therefore it is written in the Torah: “We shall do and we shall hear!” These are two states. When we do some actions exactly as it is written, we reveal within ourselves the ability to hear and rise to the next degree.

There are 613 such degrees in total. There are 613 preparatory degrees that take us to a new level. And there is also the side of the face when after preparation, we begin to hear and understand what is being said and to reveal something new. This is how we attain the meaning of these commandments, the meaning of these instructions.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/4/23, “Introduction of The Book of Zohar

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