Changing Life with the Help of Prayer

236.01Question: If some deficiency arises in me and I understand that the Creator caused it, should I still add some external words?

Answer: Yes. Speak from yourself and as much as possible. And the Creator will understand and translate everything as needed.

Question: But this is one layer. Is there an even higher level, to ask for some things that are against my desires?

Answer: Against your desires and most importantly for others. If you are asking for others, for the whole world, for everyone, and you want them all to become wiser, better, closer to each other, softer, kinder, and you want to be inside of them, then these are the simplest and most effective prayers.

The Creator is a general force within which we exist. He can hear the prayer of any desire. This is what works here. I don’t have to talk or speak in any language, whistle, or sing. We launch our desires.

Question: Is it a kind of physics? Is there a single huge force and each of our desires also a small force? And is it felt?

Answer: Of course, physics. And why should it act somehow in a special way? We can direct the forces of nature ourselves, nurture them, and concentrate them. We can manage all of nature.

Comment: When you read prayer books, it seems like some kind of lyrics, and you are talking about forces.

My Response: The prayer book says what we should desire. And to really come to this, we need explanations and education. It is necessary to study.

I suggest reaching out to us to learn how we can change our lives with the help of prayer. Good luck!
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 9/25/22

Related Material:
The Most Effective Prayer
How To Deserve Answer From The Creator
Collective Prayer

What Should Be the Attitude to Insults?

961.2Question: What do you think about the phrase “do not carry insults in your heart”?

Answer: This is important. But this is natural. If we accept everything as coming from the Creator and everything that is being played between us is the picture of the world that He is playing, then the attitude toward this becomes correct and businesslike.

Question: Is it not an insult anymore?

Answer: It is not an insult. It is attracting you to the correction of the world, to the absorption of the world, and to the reification of the world.

You, together with the Creator, begin to engage in this system. You do not just look at everything, absorb it, and are horrified by it; rather you realize that this is done for you, this is the way this is processed in you, and this is how it seems so to you. This picture is individually, absolutely personally yours, and you have to do everything in order to justify it. This is where the work is, and this is where our problem is.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/17/22

Related Material:
My Self-Judgment Day
Leprosy (Tzara’ath)
Integral Upbringing, Talk 10

Live One Day

282.01Question: What does it mean to live one day?

Answer: This is correct, live one day. But this is in the sense that today is my day; I make it; I fully receive my impressions from what the Creator gives me and I process them within myself. I constantly adjust myself, my impression, and my reflections of the world in myself, and I do it all in order to justify the Creator at all levels of my perception.

Question: Is this called living one day?

Answer: Yes, this is a very difficult condition. You see the world in a certain way and you have to process it in yourself as if it is perfect. It seems to be impossible.

Question: You are given certain evil, and you turn it into good, as it were. Is it as if good has come to you even though it is complete, absolute evil?

Answer: Yes. And you have to bring it to such a state that you will not even see and feel that there is so much evil in the world and that it is all absolute evil.

After all, when you are engaged in correcting your perception of the world, every step you take forward will show you the world as more terrible, and even more, and even more terrible. The pictures will be scary. The Creator has such a film factory and the scariest tapes will be spinning in front of you, and you will have to justify all this.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/17/22

Related Material:
How Can We Feel the Benevolence of the Creator?
The Creator’s Passion – To Do Good To His Created Beings
Can Betrayal Be Justified?

“What do you think of the Diderot effect?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: What do you think of the Diderot effect?

After living a life of poverty and not caring much about material wealth, Denis Diderot received a fancy new red scarlet satin robe as a gift. Afterward, he noticed that his chair was just an old straw chair, and changed it to a beautiful new leather one; and he then also spotted that his desk was shabby, and replaced it with a large gorgeous table. Eventually, Diderot fell into debt over the fulfillment of his newly-discovered material desires, and he wrote that where he was once the absolute master of his old robe, he became the slave of his new one.

Generally speaking, he was right—that we would be better off living in our “old robes.” There is nothing wrong with living our lives without investing energy into materialistic acquisitions.

We need to have everything in order to comfortably pursue our goals, but beyond meeting those basic needs, we should make sure not to become slaves to our possessions or to the changing times we live in. Why should we work for new robes, chairs and desks, i.e. for material possessions? We would be better off to not waste our lives in such a way, and stay in our “old robes,” so to speak, while taking care of ourselves.

In such a context, “taking care of ourselves” means doing what we deem as important, and not what our surrounding society projects to us as important. We should never fall into such traps as valuing surplus materialistic acquisitions.

We should instead focus on our goal at the basic human development stage that is called “the animate level” within us, i.e. to not follow any goals and habits that society projects onto us, but to live for ourselves. Choose a goal and live for it. People need to validate their paths; to direct and shape them in ways that bring no harm to anyone, including themselves.

Based on the video “The Diderot Effect – A Kabbalist’s Response” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Semion Vinokur. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 10/27/22

Preparation to the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Writings of Rabash “Why Is the Torah Called ‘Middle Line’ in the Work – 2”

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam “Gatehouse of Intentions”

[media 5] [media 6]

Selected Highlights

[media 7] [media 8]

Audio Version Of The Blog – 10/26/22

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“What a Canadian psychologist knows about Israel that Israelis do not” (Times of Israel)

Michael Laitman, On The Times of Israel: “What a Canadian psychologist knows about Israel that Israelis do not

Jordan Peterson, a Canadian media personality, clinical psychologist, author, and professor emeritus at the University of Toronto, describes himself as a “classic British liberal.” The media often describes him as conservative. Be that as it may, his words to a 3,000 strong audience at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem should not fall on deaf Israeli ears because when he says emphatically, “You have a tremendous moral responsibility,” and “Show the world what the holy city could look like – because we need it,” we should understand that he speaks for billions and the onus really is on us.

A couple of weeks ago, at an event hosted by The Daily Wire in Jerusalem, Peterson said, “Everyone looks here to see how you are doing under this tremendous assault of adversarial criticism – as this little tiny people in the middle of no-man’s land – as a cardinal model of the nation state and the city on the hill. You have a tremendous moral responsibility like you have perhaps had for your entire history for reasons that are very difficult to understand.”

The problem is that what non-Jews feel about Israel and Israelis, we refuse to admit because while they can simply express how they feel, we have to respond to those emotions. It is a heavy burden to be responsible for the world’s problems. It is perfectly understandable that we refuse to admit it and strive to either deny it or assimilate among the nations. But the nations will clearly not allow us to do either.

We have been decrying our fate for centuries; we have written books about it, and we even titled one of them Israel, the Ever-dying People. However, when it comes to doing what we must, to making ourselves “a shining light on a hill,” as Peterson put it, we turn our backs on our mission and blame each other for the hatred turned against us.

The obligation we avoid is our obligation to each other, to unite “as one man with one heart” and become the “cardinal model” that Peterson and the rest of the world want to see. They do not need our high-tech industry or our sophisticated weapons. They need our unique, authentic moral system, the one that was established on the basis of love of others. Only if we establish our society in Israel based on this value, we will win the world’s approval.

The world is aching for it. Some of the people will ask this from us nicely, the way Peterson articulated it. Others will demand it through violence. Either way, we will know no peace or peace of mind until we provide the world the example of unity and solidarity that we must.

“Can Israel Win against Terror?” (Times of Israel)

Michael Laitman, On The Times of Israel: “Can Israel Win against Terror?

Since the birth of the Jewish nation, it has faced vicious enemies. Each time, a different villain sought to extinguish our nation. They almost always won, and we almost always lost, but in the end, we are still here and they are long gone.

Terrorism is a new kind of adversary: ill-equipped, disorganized, and untrained, yet tenacious and full of fighting spirit. The latter two were precisely our weapons when we fought against mighty enemies, and now we feel lost precisely because we do not have them. If we rebuild our spirit, we will win without a fight. If we do not rebuild it, we will lose no matter how hard we fight.

Today’s terrorists are more resourceful than ever, and they are fearless. We, on the other hand, despite having far superior equipment, are timid, passive, and dejected. If we continue to rely only on weapons, we will disintegrate, the country will dissolve, and our people will return to the dismal state it was in prior to the establishment of Israel, and which culminated in the Holocaust.

If we want to win against terror and stay in Israel, we have to act on two levels: internal and external. The internal level is the decisive one, and the one that will determine if we succeed. However, the external level is vital as a means to enable our work on the internal.

On the external level, we must cut off all ties with the enemy, and fight against it just as we should fight against an enemy. In other words, if they come to kill us, we should kill them first. At that point in our struggle, we should have no thoughts of peace because it will not happen. On the contrary, the more passive we are, the more aggressive they will become, leading to more casualties on both sides.

As with any struggle for survival in nature, if your enemy wants to kill you, and you are hesitant, it will not pacify your enemy, but only make him more aggressive because he will interpret your hesitation as a sign of weakness. But if you show strength, determination, and courage, your enemy will hesitate, and this will buy you time to do what you need to do.

Once we have relative peace, we should focus all our efforts on the internal level, which is within the Israeli society. The key element that makes us strong is our unity. Although Jews are famous for never agreeing, our ability to rise above our disagreements and form a society based on mutual responsibility and care for one another has earned us the title Am Segula (a virtuous people), whose mission was to become an example of unity, a light to the nations.

The Segula (virtue) that awarded us the title was our determination to nurture love of others to the point where we have made it the overarching principle of Jewish law. This is why Rabbi Akiva said that “Love your neighbor as yourself” is the whole, and the law of the Torah.

The unity of the people of Israel was unique and praiseworthy precisely because it was so unlikely. It was unity among people from multiple backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities, who agreed on one and only thing: unity is superior to all other values. You can believe whatever you want and live however you want, but if you value unity with all other people above all else, you are one of us, a member of the Israeli people.

The diversity of the ancient Israelites forced them to forge an extremely powerful union, something that could overcome ancient rivalries and natural suspicion. When they succeeded and united “as one man with one heart,” they became a model that the world could replicate if it were to aspire for peace among all people.

After centuries of struggles and infighting, the people of Israel succumbed to the alienation among them, and unity was no longer their superior value. The people dispersed and were exiled from Israel, and the Jewish people have become the world’s pariahs. Not only did they become the opposite example of the one they were meant to serve, but in doing so, they denied the world of hope that there could be peace among all people. This is why Jew-hatred is so pervasive.

Now that we are back in Israel, we have a chance to reestablish our unity. If we can exalt the value of unity above all other values, we will once again be a light to the nations, and we will win the world’s favor. We will win the struggle over Israel without a fight not because the Arabs will surrender, but because they will want to join our unity and will want us to set the example that they, too, need.

But if we succumb to infighting once again, there is no question that our enemies will win and drive us out from Israel no matter how superior our military capabilities may be. The fight against terrorism, therefore, will succeed only if it is a prelude to the real battle: against our hatred of each other.

Reincarnations—What Is Left of a Person?

627.2Question: What does “reincarnation” of a person mean? What is being reincarnated? What part of a person disappears and what remains?

Answer: Nothing. If a person in this life strives to reach the upper purpose, the upper world, the upper existence, then he must use everything that he has in this world to do so in order to enter the upper world, that is, the quality of bestowal and love, to become a giver, as good as the Creator.

Then he has the opportunity to be similar to the Creator to some extent and to exist in a different dimension, in the quality of bestowal and love for everything around him.

Comment: It is clear to everyone that the human body remains in the ground and that there are no reincarnations of physical bodies.

My Response: Why not? The body decomposes into its parts that also participate in some kind of circulation of material in nature.

Question: A person is his thoughts, desires, and consciousness. What passes into the next reincarnation? What is left of a person?

Answer: Consciousness may remain. Desires remain, aspirations remain.

Comment: Yes, they do not disappear because they are not material.

My Response: But they are located in a material carrier. These qualities of a person do not disappear only if they are not similar to the qualities of our world—not receiving but bestowing.

Bestowing qualities are found not only in the one who carries them but in the one to whom they are addressed. Therefore, if a person has a will to bestow, then he is as if within others, as we usually say: “He lives in others.” Then he really exists independently of his material carrier.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 10/9/22

Related Material:
Reincarnations—Do We Value Our Lives?
Reincarnations—Not By Choice
Life After Death

Expansion of Consciousness

537Question: In the material world there are states of birth and death, childhood and old age, and in the spiritual world this is expressed in the expansion of perception. What does the expansion of perception mean?

Answer: Each time you don’t die, but, as they say, you change your “skin.” You change all your instruments, desires, and insights for new ones.

The cycles for you do not go through a complete shutdown, as it is in our world, because you do them yourself. You yourself go from one state to another, and therefore, they are controlled; they are desirable.

A person does this himself, within himself, and attains the upper world. He begins to gradually expand these boundaries, to feel himself in another.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Expanded Consciousness” 8/14/13

Related Material:
The Speed Of Spiritual Development And Reincarnation
What is Reincarnation?
The Chain Of Generations