A Complete Group Is Ten

934The ten is the state where you begin to feel that you have to be connected with everyone, you need to get out of yourself and unite with everyone.

People form a common relationship among themselves, a common body that is a separate small cell in spiritual space. Everyone has to annul themselves relative to others and imagine themselves connected to others; in the end they create this organ because there is no one person in the spiritual world.

The derivative of our connections manifests itself at the next level. Let’s say if we take you and me, then on the spiritual level there is only that which has manifested itself between us as a connection, that is, our common “we.” And at the next, higher level, there is our “we” and someone else’s “we” also interconnected together.

And so we are constantly rising from hierarchy to hierarchy in a more complicated form, constantly increasing our connection, let us say squared.

In fact there is a special system of magnification, a complex series of raising the connection between all, and it is qualitative, for example, from the level of Hod to the level of Netzach, then to the level of Tifferet, Gevura, Hesed, and so on. That is, there are not just quantitative, but qualitative, changes in the connection between them. So we can’t measure it.

How do you measure the progression of getting closer in our world? Let’s say you become acquainted with somebody. So when you meet, you start greeting him. Then you can say a few words and even sit together with him, have a cup of coffee, and so on.

And in the spiritual it is even harder because there is mutual inclusion in each other, because at the first level you and I become “we,” not “I.” Then egoism grows between us and separates us again, but qualitatively. Like in a measuring device, your sensitivity increases and when it seems to you that your parameters match, it turns out that they are still disconnected, and you adjust them again to the connection, but with increased sensitivity.

And then you switch the sensitivity again and once more you see that they have diverged, but already, let’s say, one in a thousand, ten thousand, a million, and so on. You are constantly moving toward greater and greater convergence and fusion, qualitative and integral, where everything together at every level should be united into one whole.

This is a very serious, fascinating work that goes through feelings and at the same time through the mind. As a result, you create a prototype of the Creator in yourself; that is, this huge network begins to live in you, and you own it, it is yours, and it has you in it.

Question: And if we take a large number of people, not tens, but thousands?

Answer: What’s the difference? Perhaps the network will turn out to be more entangled, but also more effective, because everyone goes toward agreement with everyone else and adds to them their power of unification. Therefore if people move forward, then the larger the group, the more effective it is, the faster at each stage it will finish its unification and will be ready for the next stage, ready for the next qualitative rise.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call, Ten People Equals a Full-fledged Group in Kabbalah” 12/1/12

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