How To Become a Kabbalist’s Disciple

165Question: Years pass before a student really becomes a disciple of a Kabbalist and can receive the methodology from the teacher.

How does this transformation happen? Should a certain number of changes take place in a person, and will it happen?

Answer: The point is that we are working according to a common system; we are led. We need to perform the necessary actions that are prescribed by our teachers who have traversed this path, and then everything will be fine.

Here we need constant work on the same material, that is, on our egoism, to rise above it together with our friends in order to clearly realize our direction, our place, and our connection in order to find the Creator in the connection between us. These are simple actions, but they are constantly changing because our sensations are changing.

So there is nothing complicated here. Mutual support (Arvut) is the most important thing! If it exists, then you can go ahead. If it does not exist, then nothing will happen. The main thing is to achieve mutual guarantee. Each one supplies the other with the necessary conditions for correction, and then he receives from everyone.

The exit out of yourself, the concern for correcting the other, lies in the fact that you supply him with everything so that he does not need anything, but can only think outside of himself. This is the biggest problem. If people start feeling this, then they will have no more problems. They will be able to rise above themselves.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How To Become a Disciple of a Kabbalist” 12/29/12

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