For the Sake of Friends

938.01Question: What does it mean to be in the lesson?

Answer: It means to be present in the lessons and strive to unite everyone so that all the friends are connected to each other and through you to the Creator. And the correct global connection is when each of the ten fulfills this condition.

Question: How can we prepare for this?

Answer: There is no need to prepare; that is how you act when each of the ten wants all the friends to connect with the Creator through him.

Question: Can we help each other rise above the egoism that is unfolding between us?

Answer: Of course you can. You must help your friend by showing an example, hug him, cheer him up, keep him from falling, and be in constant connection with him.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 1/10/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Torah Lishma

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