The Thought of Creation Is to Delight the Creations

183.01The thought of creation is to delight His creations, and no pleasure is perceived by the created being while he must be separated from the Creator. Moreover, we learn that the Creator craves to dwell in the lower ones (Introduction of The Book of Zohar, Two Points).

Question: If the Creator desires so much to dwell in the lower ones, that is, to delight them, then what is the problem? Why are we not receiving pleasure?

Answer: The problem is that the lower ones should acquire the same desires and the same qualities as the Creator. Then He will be able to dwell in them according to the law of equivalence of qualities.

Comment: On the other hand, people in our world receive pleasure during their lifetime and are not connected to the Creator.

My Response: These are not the pleasures that The Book of Zohar is speaking about. It speaks about upper pleasures. The upper ones mean that you are connected with the whole universe, galaxies, and everything that can be. These are qualitatively different pleasures.

In spirituality, we receive pleasure from attaining the inner system of the universe, how everything is connected, mutually complements each other, and leads everything to unity and perfection.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 8/6/23

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