Audio Version Of The Blog – 6/7/24

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The Power of Faith

562.01When …he sees that for himself he cannot receive the above-mentioned, then he makes a true prayer that the Creator will help him, and then the Creator makes a miracle for him and gives him the light of faith (Rabash, Notes 638 “Man’s Inclination”).

Question: How can one receive faith not for the sake of miracles, but for the sake of bestowal?

Answer: How can we share the light that descends to us in order to see what it comes for? Is it to give me the power of faith or just to lift me up so that I can see more of what is going on?

I think we need to have a better understanding of what it means to be in faith. We have no idea how great a force this is.

In our world, “faith,” “believer,” “believes” are all somehow lost. But in fact, the power of faith is the power that lifts a person above everything. And then one can control oneself.

Faith above reason does not belong to our earthly level; therefore, it is called a miracle. It is above the laws of nature.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/21/24, Writings of Rabash “Man’s Inclination”

Related Material:
Not Asking For A Miracle
How Do We Receive The Light?
“Who” Created “This”

Rise on Eagle’s Wings

595.05Sometimes people complain that the spiritual path takes such a long time—years. But the only advice is to be patient and continue scrutinizing what exactly is necessary and the result will be revealed. Again and again, we should try to connect with the friends and turn to the Creator in order to ask once more.

A person alone cannot do much; the acceleration of time depends only on the group. If we unite, we can hasten time.

Therefore, one should calm down. If a person already understands that it is impossible to change their nature by their own efforts and that it can only be received from the Creator, then they must seek the right means that will lead them to the goal. Then he comes to the wisdom of Kabbalah, performs the actions advised by Kabbalists, and thus breaks through.

I think that very soon we will feel how we all are rising on the wings of an eagle.
From International Kabbalah Convention 5/19/24, “Praying to Go Above Reason”

Related Material:
How to Accelerate Movement toward the Creator
Patience and Do Not Retreat
Patience and Perseverance

Strengthening on the Way

507.04Question: When the Creator gives a person constant faith, do foreign thoughts no longer visit him, or do they, but he already knows how to turn them around?

Answer: They just visit and that is it. There is nothing to ask the Creator for what He does not give.
The Creator gradually gives you more and more opportunities to strengthen yourself, to push away obstacles. But it is still our daily job.

And then we will learn how to process these obstacles so that we can use them to understand the ascents. After all, interference is not just interference, but help.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/21/24, Writings of Rabash “Man’s Inclination”

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In One Desire
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Do No Harm to Others

963.4In order for an individual to want to get rid of his egoistic nature, he must, on the one hand, understand what evil it brings to him, that it is like a disease that does not allow him to live a high-quality life. On the other hand, he must have the desire to become like the upper force that gives him eternal life.

In other words, he needs to somehow see the benefit of fighting his egoism and understand what he loses by not being within the Creator’s system. Otherwise, the mere recognition of evil does not achieve anything.

After he stops himself based on the principle “do no harm to others,” the next stage is that he must open up and start emanating good, become its source. At this point, there is already some closeness to the Creator, with His quality, and to others, because the quality of the Creator is attained through closeness to others.
From KabTV’s “Era of the Last Generation” 5/9/24

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The Truth of the Recognition of Evil
What Is Evil?

Millennia Beyond Comprehension

235Question: What does the collective universal consciousness give?

Answer: The sensation of the Creator.

When one comprehends absolutely complete mutual penetration, a combination of all disassembled, distant souls, then their multiple embedding into one another and their connection, to the extent that they are all different, all opposite to each other in their multidimensional space and at the same time all united, connecting in the same multidimensional spaces, preserving their oppositeness, all this becomes such an intertwined, multidimensional receptacle of sensation that this is exactly how the primordial force that gave birth to everything, called the Creator, is attained. This way we can finally feel It, get to It! And He is there, inside. He is not hiding, but it is there, inside, that we begin to feel Him.

In such a way we can finally feel Him, reach Him! And He is there, inside. He does not hide, but it is precisely there, inside, that we begin to feel Him.

Question: And who gave birth to this original force, the Creator?

Answer: We do not know that. We do not ask such a question because we need to reach the Creator. We don’t even understand how we do it.

And when we begin to attain Him, then He already takes us, united together with Him, because we have reached His state, His external quality, His external manifestation toward us, and we go somewhere with Him. He takes us out of this state to somewhere further away where it is unknown. Into some subsequent attainments that are called the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth millennia.

Our maximum unification is called “6,000 years.” Then comes the “Sabbath.” the so-called “seventh millennium,” when we are fully united together and reveal the upper force that created this state. And then, after already being united during the seventh millennium state, we go together with this force to an unknown place and transition to the next state.

Baal HaSulam even writes about the tenth millennium, but it is completely incomprehensible to us. It is impossible to imagine, because such unification is beyond our senses or analysis in the mind.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Feeling of the Creator” 2/2/12

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Universal Soul
Path To The Seventh Millennium
In Unison With The Universal Mind

In Search of Inner Harmony

962.3Question: Usually a person is born and goes through a certain path in life. Most often, by the age of thirty, one enters into a stupor when all one’s plans begin to shake a little, and then he begins to think about the meaning of life.

You came to the wisdom of Kabbalah at the age of 30, and before that was there, so to say, a period of preparation?

Answer: Maybe, although I would not say that about myself. I wanted to come to the study of Kabbalah, it seems to me, at the age of six or seven.

Question: Does the current generation have such an opportunity?

Answer: It does not really depend on the generation. Of course, the current generation has it. But it also depends on how a person feels. As far as I can remember, I always felt that I needed it.

I am not an exceptional person. I just have such an attitude toward life, toward the world, that does not tolerate anything superfluous, everything must be neatly arranged; otherwise, this world is such a big mess that I simply do not want to exist in it. Not because “my head is small,” but because I do not want to tolerate disorder; I must put everything into a system.

In principle, the most important aspiration of such a person is to bring everything they feel in the world into a coherent structure, into a cohesive picture. Only then does the world make sense to them, and the person enjoys perfection, harmony, the interconnection of all things, and their mutual definition, what we on the human level call mutual guarantee.

For him, the system is something that encompasses our universe as its integral part. He must understand the structure of interaction, functioning, management, movement, and development. Without this feeling, he feels bad, he does not feel okay. He feels his connection to the entire system, to the entire cosmos (although it is more than the cosmos) that he cannot help but come to the perception of universal harmony.

That is the inner need I began to feel at four to five-years-old, and when I was twelve to thirteen years old, it became absolutely clear. Searches for the source of creation led me to study paleontology one moment, then astronomy the next.

It is very difficult for a person to navigate in our world where there is no flexibility. This compels him to seek inner harmony because it begins to help him perceive the world in its external rigidity as harmonious.

The lack of flexibility in the world leads a person to enter into the system of creation, to find integrity there, so that everything can be perceived well from the outside, and then he will be able to live. Otherwise it is very difficult for people seeking internal harmony in our world.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Laitman’s Childhood” 2/14/12

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Work Within and Above Egoism

963.4The science of Kabbalah reveals the possibility of expanding one’s senses and awareness into an area opposite to the material one, to a new level, into a new dimension. Therefore, I completely surrendered to it, but with strict control over myself.

Kabbalah gives us great opportunities because you must constantly move against your egoism. Do you want to move? That is egoism for you. Try to use it to see how right or wrong it is, whether you need it or not, and how much you are just busying yourself with it. Some other properties, desires, and values in you push you toward this.

And we start working against your ego! We make any comprehension, any movement, not because you are carried forward, but on the contrary, with difficulty, with a tremendous force of opposition.

A scientist is driven forward by egoism, which pushes him to research. But here, it is the other way around. Therefore, there is a considerable opportunity for self-control and analysis: “Am I doing this right or not? For what? Why? Do I need this at all?!”

Question: A scientist is drawn in by egoism, but a Kabbalist is repulsed from his work. What makes a Kabbalist do this?

Answer: It is the importance of understanding the meaning of creation, comprehending the Creator, but not from a scientific point of view like a scientist, even though it is also importance for a scientist.

In principle, all scientists want to grasp the Creator. Subconsciously, any person in our world who lives only to feed himself still has the thought: “I want to understand the Creator,” otherwise he would not exist. Every atom and every molecule exist only for this purpose because in the end everything will come together in this comprehension.

But unlike scientists, you go against your desires and properties. And it is precisely because of this that you have a vast opportunity for self-control.

Therefore, I do not study anything extraneous because I very clearly see, precisely from the analysis of what other sciences do, how much this is work within egoism, and therefore, does not rise above our world, no matter how scientists think they are above it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Difference Between Kabbalah, Science and New Age” 1/28/12

Related Material:
The Essence Of The Science Of Kabbalah – A Synopsis
Connection Of Kabbalah And Science
The Wisdom Of Kabbalah And The Rest Of The Sciences

Questions about Spiritual Work—134

569.01Question: Will faith above reason always contradict reason? Or can we reach a state where this contradiction disappears?

Answer: Faith will always contradict reason. But it is through it that we can rise higher and higher, while reason will receive only what we attain.

Question: In Rabash’s articles, does the term “Adam” refer to an individual or the ten as one man?

Answer: No, it simply refers to an individual, one person.
From International Kabbalah Convention 5/19/24, “Praying to Go Above Reason”

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—133
Questions about Spiritual Work—132
Questions about Spiritual Work—131

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 6/7/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “Letter 21”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Lesson on the Topic of “Prayer”

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Selected Highlights

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