Questions about Spiritual Work—132

272Question: What does it mean that a person creates a thought? After all, everything is from the Creator.

Answer: Thoughts come from the Creator. But do we accept them or not? How do we treat them? Do we want to actualize them? That is the question.

Question: Can we or should we teach our evil inclination to love?

Answer: This is very high. That is a real correction.

Question: If I get a thought from the Creator that scares me, what does the Creator expect from me, to agree with everything or replace it with a kind thought?

Answer: I do not know. Ask the Creator.

Question: Can we consider thought as a gift from the Creator?

Answer: Yes.

Question: How does evil originate and manifest itself at the level of thought?

Answer: Evil thoughts, feelings, and relationships are born from evil inclinations. That is all a manifestation of ego.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/15/24, Writings of Rabash “The Power of Thought”

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