Questions about Spiritual Work—129

566.01Question: Why did the Creator let us be born in a physical body without a soul? After all, if there were no body, there would be no evil inclination.

Answer: No, the evil inclination is not related to our body, to our flesh. The evil inclination is our egoistic desires.

Question: What does it mean: “I thank You for returning my soul with compassion”?

Answer: It means thanking the Creator for wanting to advance you under any circumstances.

Question: How can we not lose the work that the Creator gives us?

Answer: Engage in it all the time and try to move forward.

Question: If the Creator gave me a chance and a gift to do an action of bestowal and then emptiness comes, what should my work be?

Answer: Ask the Creator to give you more such states.

Question: Can automatic gratitude to the Creator become heartfelt, and how does this happen?

Answer: How this happens, I do not know, but it can happen.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/11/24, Writings of Rabash “The Reason for the Faith”

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