Questions about Spiritual Work—131

281.02Question: What does “those of little faith” mean?

Answer: “Those of little faith” means a person who has little faith in the Creator.

Question: The Creator desires a sincere inner connection with Him from us. We also want this very much. But why does the Creator not allow us to do it?

Answer: He does allow you to do this, but He increases various obstacles so that you connect with Him even more strongly.

Question: Our thoughts are also prayers. Why is it considered better to whisper your thoughts?

Answer: Because then a person hears himself.

Question: What is the difference in the Creator’s response to a person’s prayer when one asks from a state of recognition of evil versus when one asks from a state that is not yet actualized?

Answer: If you turn to the Creator from an unrealized state, He practically does not respond or He responds with guiding states so you eventually understand what He wants from you.

Question: Do we have the right to change anything in the world, or only to bestow?

Answer: Only to bestow.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/14/24, Writings of Rabash “Those of Little Faith”

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