Questions about Spiritual Work—130

263Question: How can a ten give everyone the strength to act above reason?

Answer: Personal example is the most effective.

Question: When a person overcomes the body and feels joy, doesn’t he come to some measure of the body’s consent to act above reason? How can we go even higher in this case?

Answer: In this case, try to bypass this condition and still go by faith above reason. If not this time, then next time. Or change the basis a bit.

Question: If everything comes from the Creator, what are alien thoughts?

Answer: All our thoughts are alien, except for moving toward a common goal.

Question: How can you share your Hisaron in the ten so your friends will gladly accept it?

Answer: That is why you communicate all the time. Your friends feel and understand you and are permeated with your actions.

Question: What is the active bestowal during workshops, tens’ meetings, and actions for connection?

Answer: It is to support the friends.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/12/24, Writings of Rabash “Faith Is Called Action”

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