Questions about Spiritual Work—133

583.02Question: Man’s main job is to come to a sense of the Creator’s reality. Achieving It can only be through prayer. How can a person keep the prayer that he must come to this feeling within oneself?

Answer: Strive for the Creator always and keep the desire to attain Him in your heart.

Question: Reason prevents us from going in faith above reason. How do we use reason correctly so that it helps us rise above ourselves?

Answer: To do this you need to unite with each other so that everyone can help a friend rise a little bit. If you work together to influence everyone in the ten in this way, you will be able to rise.

Question: When there is a great desire to get closer to the Creator, it is a good state. But what if a person feels the Creator a little bit, then is it not very good anymore?

Answer: It is okay to keep developing this feeling and try to increase it.
From International Kabbalah Convention 5/18/24, “Working In Faith Above Reason”

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