Audio Version Of The Blog – 5/28/24

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The Need for Faith above Reason

237Question: It is written in the sources that one must believe above reason that the Creator wanted to do good to His creations. How does this differ from the common understanding that everything happens for the best, hope for the best and everything will be good?

Answer: It may seem very similar. But the point is that faith above reason obliges you to perceive everything happening in the world as an action of the Creator, which is always positive.

Question: Can it be said that part of humanity still lives by this principle?

Answer: Yes, but they accept it through reason, not through faith above reason. The difference is that you are connected to the Creator if you operate on faith above reason. But if it is through reason, it does not bind you to anything.

Question: What does it mean to adhere to the Creator in faith above reason?

Answer: It means to connect with Him and feel Him in all your desires and thoughts.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/9/24, Writings of Rabash “The Order of the Work”

Related Material:
What Is Faith Above Reason?
Faith Above Reason Requires A Special Mind
That Elusive “Faith Above Reason”

How Can We Rise to Faith above Reason?

938.03Question: You said we must perform actions to cling to the teacher. What other actions can we perform in the ten? We pray, attend lessons, and try to fulfill…

Answer: If you unite with each other and want to gain strength in the connection, with the help of which you can go against your decision, against your ideas, then you can already rise to the degree of faith above reason and thus move forward.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/8/24, Writings of Rabash “Faith and Reason”

Related Material:
Following The Teacher Who Sees The Way
The Connection Between Teacher And Student
How To Start Hearing The Teacher

Questions about Spiritual Work—126

281.02Question: How can we overcome the distance between the calculation of the mind that the Creator is kind and loving and our true feelings in the heart if they are different?

Answer: It will come to you. In the meantime, make calculations above the heart.

Question: Is faith a goal or a means?

Answer: Faith is a means of attainment, of feeling, the Creator.

Question: Not believing your feelings and your knowledge, but seeing and feeling everything through the perception of your friends is faith above reason. What happens to us if we succeed?

Answer: You will form a Kli with which you can ascend to the Creator.

Question: What does the force of faith depend on?

Answer: On your desire for unity in which you strive together toward the Creator.

Question: Who is the righteous of the generation, and how does he manage to receive knowledge directly from the light of Hochma?

Answer: A righteous person is one who reaches such a connection with the Creator when he receives light directly from the Creator, and we all connect to him together.

Question: How do you learn to turn off the first egoistic reaction of the heart?

Answer: Only by prayer. With any words, turn to the Creator to correct your heart.

Question: You often advise the whole ten, but we do not know how everyone heard you. Is the desired state of the ten when everyone has an opinion as we figure out how to implement Rav’s words?

Answer: It does not matter if the opinions are different or the same. The main thing is that you learn to work together.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/8/24, Writings of Rabash “Faith and Reason”

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—125
Questions about Spiritual Work—124
Questions about Spiritual Work—123

What Should I Demand from Myself?

528.02Question: When we follow you, we periodically receive the light of knowledge. How can the ten achieve such a state without interruption? What do we have to do?

Answer: Friends in the ten must follow the teacher’s instructions as if they know, understand, and see that this is how we do everything.

Together they support each other and thus follow their leader. Then gradually they begin to understand what they are lacking and how to obtain knowledge within faith so that faith will bring them knowledge.

Question: What should I demand from myself?

Answer: You must demand only one thing from yourselves and the friends: that all of you connect with the group in the center of our circle. From the center of the circle, you would look at the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/8/24, Writings of Rabash “Faith and Reason”

Related Material:
Love of Friends in Bnei Baruch
Connection With The Group Is Connection With The Creator
Refocusing The Work In The Group Of Ten

For Our Own Good

168Question: If the Creator is good and does good, then does punishment exist at all in spirituality?

Answer: Of course everything exists in spirituality, both help and punishment. It may not exist in this world, but it definitely exists in the spiritual realm.

Punishment is intended to make us realize that we are obliged to fulfill spiritual conditions for our own good.

For example, if you now lack spiritual importance, then this is a punishment. You should not accept such a situation. If you do not agree with such a thing, you will be able to justify it and rise higher.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/13/24, Writings of Rabash “Knowledge and Faith”

Related Material:
Reward and Punishment from the Kabbalah Point of View
Reward And Punishment In Our Lives, Part 2
Reward Instead Of Punishment

Complete and Partial Faith

514.02Question: In the articles of Kabbalists it is written that there is complete and partial faith. What is the difference between them?

Answer: You do not know what will be revealed to you at the next level, but what has now been revealed in all your Kelim, when they are all filled with the light of Hassadim it means that you are in complete faith.

Partial faith manifests itself when not all of your Kelim are filled with Ohr Hassadim.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/11/24, Writings of Rabash “The Reason for the Faith”

Related Material:
The Three Parameters Of Faith
Calculate Your Faith
Why Does A Man Need To Have Faith?

The Great Illusion

424.01Question: Any object that is perceived by a person as external consists of combinatorics: inanimate, vegetative, animate. All these objects are simply drawn to us like this, but they consist of 613 pixels. And what is the difference between them and the person I see?

Answer: Each person has a different set of desires. That is, there are 613 desires in each one, but in a different arrangement, in a different combination.

Question: But if I see a person outside of myself?

Answer: What do you mean you see him outside of you? In fact, you see him within yourself, you depict him in your feelings. It seems to you that he is outside of you; we have such an idea that supposedly all this exists outside of us. I can touch it and feel it that these objects can affect me positively or negatively from the outside, and all this is inside me. That is the illusion.

Question: Where is the boundary between the fact that I need to perceive the world as a part of myself and as a world that exists separately?

Answer: When you work on yourself and try to get “out of yourself,” this boundary constantly expands. You work on expanding this boundary. You see where the feeling of the world inside you ends and the world that you perceive outside of you begins.

By working on your qualities, on getting out of yourself, on developing ever broader altruistic qualities, fields, you increasingly include in yourself what seemed to you before to be outside of you, clearly feeling it.

It becomes your world. You see everything outside of yourself, and you clearly feel that it is yours, it is within you. And you play with this duality.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The World as We Don’t Know It” 1/12/12

Related Material:
How We Perceive The World
The World Is a Reflection of a Person’s Inner State
Nothing Exists Outside of Us

Is there a Standard of Goodness?

565.02Question: What is good and evil? Everyone talks about goodness, friendship, and unity. And you say the same things, but how can you tell the difference?

Answer: I speak about these categories only as means that help one discover one’s faulty state, come to a corrected state, and achieve complete unity with nature.

I am not against what others say, and in no way am I trying to check them, compare them, or engage in some kind of comparative analysis. For what?

If they talk about good, great. But for what is this good? How correct is this, how real is it? There are so many opportunities in the world to do something good. Is this really good or not?

Who checks, who feels, who measures? Are they the same egoists as you? They can tell you what is good based on their egoistic qualities. And so can you. So you will understand each other perfectly. But in fact?

Therefore, there must be the emergence of some standard of good that is independent of us. If it does not exist, then thousands of beliefs, religions, philosophies, and opinions arise, and each one is right. Then you cannot do anything until some dimension is achieved.

All techniques and technologies start with some measure: meter, kilogram, and so on. Without this, people would not understand each other and could not do anything.

But in our feelings, there are no such measurements, so everyone is right.

You can talk to anyone, from Nazis to pacifists, from anarchists to communists, and they can convince you of anything. In our development, we have already gone through all possible options, except the very last ones. After all, there was once cannibalism, but it can still repeat itself in our “bright” future. And we always felt that yes, this is true or this has a place.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Good and Evil” 1/22/12

Related Material:
The Law Of Balance Of Good And Evil
On The Middle Ground Between Good And Evil
Independent Of Good And Evil

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 5/28/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “Letter 10”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Preface to the Sulam, Commentary,” Item 10

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Selected Highlights

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