Nothing Exists Outside of Us

760.1Comment: Going through “The Study of the Ten Sefirot,” we study how the whole system, individual worlds, etc. are built.

My Response: In fact, nothing is built! There are no worlds, no Sefirot, no Partzufim, there are no degrees at all.

What does “there are” mean if I do not feel them? In Kabbalah, we are talking only about a person who reveals them himself, creates them in himself.

It is the same with what you are feeling right now. For you, this world exists as perceived by you, there is some person sitting in it far away from the place where you live talking to you, you imagine all this. It is created in you, it is not outside of you, but in you, in all your visions.

Question: And then how did I come to this if I perceive it this way?

Answer: This perception arose in your so-called animate state. For some time some pictures go through your mind, which you call “my life in this world.” That is it. After a while they disappear, and that is all—life ends.

Kabbalistic sources say that everything exists only relative to the person who attains it. In fact, nothing exists by itself. I cannot say that I am sleeping now or I am going to die, or something else will happen and everything else will remain in existence.

There will be nothing left! There is no such thing! Nothing exists outside of me! I perceive everything only in me.

Kabbalah has instructions for how to create an eternal, infinite, perfect reality inside you, how to achieve it, and make it true.
But this is unprovable to people who have not gone through this. It seems to them that what they feel is the true reality.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Difference between Kabbalah and Other Methods” 9/8/12

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