From the First Minutes of Waking Up

198Question: Do you have states that do not allow you to mentally break away from the corporeal level?

Answer: No, unless there is a wish from above to confuse me in something. Then all of a sudden, I receive some thoughts, all kinds of worries about loved ones or something else. This shows me that here I have not yet finished my work, here I have not yet pulled myself up, and so on.

Question: How do you handle this?

Answer: Let’s say you’re sitting in my class, and a couple of hundred other people are sitting beside us. Together we study the methods of elevating a person, his correction, the problems of our world regarding the next degree, how we should perform some actions, and so on, and suddenly you have some thoughts about your loved ones or distant ones, or about your debts in the bank; it doesn’t matter what or how.

You must understand that all this is in order to sharpen your studies now so that you are more clearly connected with them, that it is in the form in which all these disturbances are being sent to you now that you must strengthen your ties with the upper world.

This is how it will be all the time. That is, as soon as you wake up in the morning and establish a connection with the source in the first second, from this minute onward you should only develop your connection with Him and see all the disturbances as means of strengthening the connection. This is how we need to tune in and look at the disturbances!

Otherwise, you will remain a small child, you will remain in a bad connection with the Creator, with the upper force! You must advance with the help of these disturbances and rise above them! In any case, do not annul them or throw them away! Of course, it is a whole science of how to use disturbances, but that is what they exist for.

Thus, if you can hold out like this for at least a few hours every day, I guarantee you, in a week I will already be talking to an angel. 🙂
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Practical Kabbalah” 11/4/12

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