Kabbalah and Physics—Beyond the Quantum Leap

202.0There is nothing outside of our properties. This is incomprehensible to us, but it is very close to quantum physics, to all the latest theories in physics. Of course, physicists have their own “problems,” but still they are smart people, they come to such conclusions without any Kabbalah.

In fact, they are trying to hint through matter that nothing exists. In general, they say that there is only some kind of energy, some waves, and still they cannot say anything about them since all this manifests itself in relation to the observer and is grouped depending on his properties.

The two sciences Kabbalah and physics have come right up to each other, but they will not be able to unite—for this their properties must be changed.

Physicists reach for this with their brains. And although some kind of sensitivity develops in them, it is minimal, at the animal level. And the next level is the one that is explored by a Kabbalah scientist, not a physicist. This is completely different, beyond the quantum leap, where there is light and not particles.

Physicists come to this through the mind. But they stop there, they cannot go any further and claim that physics is at an impasse, in crisis.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Nothing Exists” 10/3/12

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