Impression of Our World

709There is no true reality. We have to create it ourselves.

The moment you create the quality of bestowal in yourself, you build this reality within it—you and the Creator! When we say “There is none else besides Him,” we mean there is nothing but this quality or your ability to create a higher state.

Question: How is it that the darkness we exist in has so many huge objects placed in it?

Answer: What huge objects?! It is all such minutiae that it is not even noticeable. None of this exists! This is all fluctuations in our unconscious state.

Comment: But for a person, it is quite sizable!

My Response: It happens because you zoom in on it, so you get such volume. Bring it to its normal, objective boundaries, and you will find there is nothing at all, everything disappears.

It depends on the qualities you look at this world with: either from the standpoint of receiving or the standpoint of giving.

From the standpoint of bestowal, our world does not exist because it does not have this quality. From the standpoint of receiving, it exists at such a low level that it is called merely a point of our world.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Break Away from Everything Earthly!” 10/16/12

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The Secret to the Perception the World
How do We Perceive the Picture of the World
The Objective Perception Of The World

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