Questions about Spiritual Work—124

560Question: How does the scrutiny in the mind affect our heart when we attain some truth transmitted to us by the sages? Conversely, how does it affect the mind if the heart figures out what is sweet and bitter?

Answer: This is how it happens because a person feels bitter and sweet in parallel with truth and false.

Question: How can the Creator hate if He is kind and loving? Where does the hatred come from?

Answer: We say in human language that the Creator hates or loves so we can better understand each other.

Question: The light came and left, and the memory remained. Are we working with this memory when we figure out the categories of true-false or bitter-sweet?

Answer: Yes, this memory is called a Reshimo (an information, spiritual record).

Question: Is there a difference between bringing contentment to the Creator and taking care of the Creator? And how do you find your sincere concern for the Creator and not for yourself?

Answer: True work for the sake of the Creator can only happen after correcting our common Kli. Therefore, it is good that you are thinking, worrying, and caring about it now.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/7/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Scrutiny of Bitter and Sweet, True and False”

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