Questions about Spiritual Work—122

281.02Question: In all circumstances a person reveals that he needs faith. Can we talk about it and somehow transfer it?

Answer: No, transferring the quality of faith from one person to another is impossible.

Question: How can we properly work with the bitterness of egoism in the ten and literally chew it up? And what impressions should we receive to want to ask the Creator for a way out of the ego?

Answer: Show our friends how much the Creator reveals Himself in us as a bitter part of our work. That is how we will reach out to Him.

Question: You said that it is not worth getting stuck in a high state of suffering of love. Where is the right place to be?

Answer: If you love, you cannot dictate what you want, one way or another. The feeling of suffering of love itself determines your state. Let us get closer to it, feel it, and then we will see what we are supposed to do.

Question: How can we determine that access to the upper world is not a substitute of one illusion for another?

Answer: When you enter the upper world, you will see that it is felt with more clarity than our world.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/24/24, Writings of Rabash Letter 72

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