Questions about Spiritual Work—120

560Question: Pharaoh can dress in beautiful clothes, and to us it seems that he is the Creator, but in the end, all the work was for Pharaoh. How do we check our intention to bestow, and how do we develop it?

Answer: Through the friends, then we will avoid mistakes.

Question: What is the root of repentance from love?

Answer: It means that we turn to the Creator, not out of what we lack, but out of our desire to express love for Him.

Question: What does it mean to grab the serpent by its tail?

Answer: Grabbing the serpent by the head or tail signifies the right and wrong attitude toward what the Creator does with us.

Question: What is the blood of Passover and the circumcision blood, and what is the difference between them?

Answer: The blood of Passover and the circumcision blood are the final manifestations of egoism. If a person overcomes them, they help him break free from the rule of egoism.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/23/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam Letter 10

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