Questions about Spiritual Work—121

232.031Question: What kind of fuel allows us to rise above reason?

Answer: It is the fact that we begin to feel a state above reason—an altruistic state without any connection with egoism—as the most important thing, and thus we rise.

Question: As a rule we burn leavened bread before Passover. What is spiritual leaven?

Answer: Leaven is that evil inclination, our uncorrected egoism, which we cannot use correctly.

Question: Why does an egoistic question asked by a sinner kill him? And how does faith appear in this place?

Answer: If a person wants to defeat his egoism, instead of that, he begins to feel the power of faith that develops in him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/22/24, Writings of Rabash “Two Labors”

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