Stop Falls

944Question: What should I do if I want to engage in Kabbalah, but do not have the strength to work in a group? There is a feeling that the group is more interested in material things than spiritual ones. I do not know how to change this perception; therefore, I feel I am distancing myself from Kabbalah and the group.

Answer: That is incorrect. You should talk to someone in the group about it. They will tell you whether they agree with your assessment or not.

Question: What if there are friends who also feel the same way?

Answer: You need to talk to everyone together in the ten and stop the descent.

Question: Is this the group’s downfall or just mine?

Answer: No, it could be a descent of the group.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/1/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is ‘Hurry, My Beloved,’ in the Work?”

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To Be Protected From Myself Within The Group
The Light From The Top Of The Mountain
A Thorny Path Toward The Creator’s Castle

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