See Friends as the Greatest

942Question: Rabash writes that everyone should see their friends‘ greatness because that is the only way you can receive some value from them. He introduces a new concept called faith above reason. Even if you do not see your friend’s greatness, you must go by this faith. How is this possible? After all, a person has no control over his feelings.

Answer: The fact is that each of us is hidden from the other. We cannot see the other in a state of complete revelation. Therefore, there is only one advice. You must respect and appreciate your friends for being on the spiritual path with you and raise them as much as possible.

That is how we should treat our friends in the group. A group is preferably ten people who study together and share their feelings.

To the extent that a person can elevate a friend in this way, can raise and hold him above himself, he also rises above himself. He receives forces that he takes from others, and at the same time, he gives his force to this cooking pot. Then, he is rising spiritually together with everyone.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 1/16/24

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