Raise Ourselves

937Question: In his articles, Rabash gives an example that parents see only positive qualities in their children and only negative qualities in their neighbors’ children. He is talking about natural love.

How does this happen in a group with strangers?

Answer: In the group, by working on myself, I gradually begin appreciating my friends because they agree to follow the path to spiritual attainment with me and participate in our common spiritual ascent. Therefore, I respect them, love them, and want to help them in everything. And they, in turn, treat me the same way.

Question: Based on your experience, do you continue to see the faults of your friends and only rise above them, or do you not see them at all?

Answer: I perfectly see all their faults since they are revealed in my egoistic desire. But in my corrected desire, I begin to see the opposite—the successes of my friends, their spiritual differences, and how high they are above me. It turns out that I have opinions about my friends, and I rise with them.

In addition, we are integrated in each other. That is, each member of the ten works to raise his or her friends above themself, and in this way we, as it were, raise ourselves.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 1/16/24

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