Ascent of Malchut into Bina

934The garden of Eden means the ascent of Malchut into Bina where she receives Hochma, as Eden means Hochma. And then Malchut, called “garden,” receives Hochma in the form of “Eden,” and this is “the garden of Eden” (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 84, “What Is “He Drove the Man Out of the Garden of Eden so He Would Not Take from the Tree of Life”?”)

Malchut is the lowest degree. Raising Malchut into Bina means correcting Malchut when it rises to the level of Bina with the help of prayer (MAN), receives light, and corrects itself so that it can use its desire for the sake of bestowal.

Question: Is the lowest degree our connection in the ten or my personal work?

Answer: This is the initial work of any person, it is one’s connection with the ten. If a person does not have connection with the ten, one does not go anywhere.

As a result of connection, you gain strength and confidence that you are acting correctly, and then go down and raise MAN.

With this MAN, prayer, you turn to the Creator, and He lifts and corrects you. And you, based on your corrected state, begin to correct all ten Sefirot in the place from which you ascended.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/8/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is ‘He Drove the Man Out of the Garden of Eden so He Would Not Take from the Tree of Life’?”

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Between Malchut and Bina
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