Our Work Is to Beseech the Creator

534Question: It is said that when a person gets used to the path of the Torah, he should regret the smallness of his attainment. How do we train the body for this and not stray from the spiritual path?

Answer: Through imagination, a person must imagine this.

Does he already feel that he contains the whole world within himself? Of course not. And therefore he continues to pursue the light, to pursue the Creator. He tries to ask, and implores the Creator not to abandon him, to draw him closer.

We must regret that there was some understanding and it disappeared. And so on and on until we reach a greater desire.

Question: What if some friends lose this regret? How does a group of ten not deviate and continue this work?

Answer: You must pray for the Creator to attract them.

This can happen to anyone. When you see that friends are cooling down, you must ask the Creator to worry about them. Our work is to turn to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/13/24, Writings of Rabash “Rewarded—I Will Hasten It”

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