Money from the Viewpoint of Kabbalah

963.4Question: What is the inner Kabbalistic meaning of common currency? Is it a human effort?

Answer: Yes, it is the universal equivalent of human effort. In Kabbalah, money is the expression of the screen, and the screen is everyone’s anti-egoistic effort.

Question: But this effort is built in relation to others. Can I somehow measure it or buy something with it?

Answer: Of course. In the same units. You can measure your anti-egoistic force in grams, in Newtons, in anything.

Question: What is a wealthy person from the standpoint of Kabbalah?

Answer: Someone who has many anti-egoistic forces, and can use them.

Question: Is there a direct relationship between one’s screen and material wealth?

Answer: No. Our world is not yet created to give us material manifestation.

Question: There have been very different Kabbalists throughout history in terms of their means. Baal HaSulam, for example, gave away all his money to have none the next day. They say the Ari was a very rich merchant. Is there any relationship or special mission of the Kabbalist here?

Answer: Everyone acts as he sees fit for his spiritual ascent.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah in the modern turbulent world” 8/3/23

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