In Absence of Adequate Feelings

49.01Comment: A dream is in fact a hallucination, and for a certain period of time it is very realistic.

My Response: I believe that it is not worth talking about this topic because a person who is not engaged in Kabbalah will not receive any correct information from it. How can you talk to a blind person about what vision means? He would not understand anyway. He does not have any initial adequate sensations.

Our study is based on the fact that you give an example and show that you act by a certain analogy. And if a person has no analogy, if there is no rudiment of this feeling, then there is nothing to talk about with him.

For example, put a cat next to you and start reading War and Peace to it. What will happen? You can keep reading for a thousand years! This type of creature is not capable of perceiving what belongs to the human level.

Comment: But there are different categories of people. We speak as if dismissing straight away all those who do not understand.

My Response: We dismiss everyone, including beginner Kabbalists until they begin to attain the spiritual world, it is also unrealistic for them.

For the first few years of the study, a person is engaged only in preparing for the feeling of spirituality.

And when he has a spiritual feeling, then he will be able to contrast it to the world, speak, and see what is happening in souls and what is happening in bodies.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. Hallucinations in a Dream” 8/20/11

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