The World through the Eyes of a Kabbalist

264.01Question: Do you see the same picture of the world that I see?

Answer: No. I see the world in a completely different way—completely interconnected. In this rigid structure, there is a clear connection between me, you, and everyone else, like tubes that connect us together into one single system. Like balls and tubes between them, this is how I see the world.

In the meantime, each of us an egoist, closes himself from others. Thus, the system cannot do anything; there is no circulation in it. The circulatory, nervous, and lymphatic systems stop; life in the body stops.

Before, we could do whatever we wanted. Nature itself supported us from within because we existed in the development of our egoism. Now, we have reached the peak of development, we have become isolated among ourselves, and that is it. Now if you do not want to be properly connected with others, you will not be able to exist.

This is how I see the system, and very realistically. I see in it everything that humanity does and how anti-systemic it is.

Question: It turns out that you suffer the most from this?

Answer: On one hand, yes. On the other hand, I see that humanity will come to this anyway, even through great suffering. In what way, good or evil, I do not know, but it will come.

Therefore, if I have at least some opportunity to show something, to give some source without any connection with me, I do it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Who is to Blame for the Pogroms?” 8/13/11

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