Dissemination and “Growing Pains”

504Comment: There are people in our groups who have some positions in the world, but they do not want to reveal themselves because there is a certain image that they do not want to put on themselves.

Sometimes I am ashamed of what they do.

My Response: I am absolutely not ashamed because there is so much nonsense in the world, so much trash, so much garbage. From politicians, people of culture, science, art—what isn’t there? Everyone does stupid things.

If our people, due to misunderstanding, that is, without receiving proper training, begin to do something on social networks before they receive clear instructions, then I am not ashamed. These are growing pains. I am not ashamed of them.

They are like kids who get their diapers dirty. So what? This is a child, such is his age, he is not capable of anything else. He tries to do something well, but it turns out the way it turns out.

It is like when a child takes something delicious out of his mouth and brings it to you. He wants to share it with you, but he cannot do it any other way. Of course, you do not like it, you are not on that level. But it is better than when an adult sneaks up on you from behind with a baton.

Therefore, I am not ashamed of them at all. Of course, they should act differently, but these are growing pains and it will pass.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Laitman’s Millions” 7/23/11

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